Chapter 12

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Karma's POV

I was bored to death so my mind wonders to a blue haired boy.. If Nagisa is sick why didn't he text or call me? When he's in that condition I would be the one who knows first.

Ever since that chick came and drew Nagisa attention away from me. my heart aches or beats fast, I have uneasy feeling, worried, overprotective ...... wait if I'm feeling like this then I'm in love with Nagisa ?

Before I jump to conclusion I seriously gonna see Nagisa. But where does ma'am live?

~[skillet music:monster]~

I pick up my phone and see who is calling. Oh its just Rio... I was hoping it would Nagisa ...

(Phone conversation)
K- Karma
R- Rio

K- hello
R- hi Karma better pack your things or clothes!!

She seems happy......

K- why would I be?
R- the whole class are going to ma'am Nally's house!! you don't wanna see Nagisa?

Wait ,there going to the house of ma'am Nally ...... this is perfect!! I get to see Nagisa again!! Badum!badum! Badump! Wait...... what's wrong with my heart, I get happy when I'm with Nagisa , overprotective,worried,..........oh boy why I didn't feel it before...... OK its official I'm really in love with my best friend.

K- sheesh Rio I'm not deaf you know
R- then why didn't you say something when I'm calling your name like for the 15 time?
K- I'm thinking something ... and oh yeah I'm going to ma'am Nally 's house. What time and place to we all meet?
R- great! Now at your place because we are heading there now! OK? Gonna go now expect us to be there in 10 minutes. Bye!!



What the hell! Why at my house? Well never mind at least I get to see Nagisa later. I stood up and get in my room to pack some clothes , some of my personal things and after some other things then I'm done, great I only 2 minutes to spare too.

Ding dong !! Ding dong!!

There's here already? I grab my bag and went to open the door and......

Holy shit! there all here!With ma'am Nally .

"Hi Karna! We're here to pick you up!" Said ma'am Nally

Mabey I can be nice to her. If Nagisa is dear to her then mabey I can make her spill his life story, but not the personal.

"Thanks ma'am but why does my classmates don't have there things?" I ask. Its really suspicious.

"Oh that's because they already deliver them at my house." Maam replied.

"Oh Karma, where are your parents? I wanted to granted there permit to sleep at my House,"

"Oh there not home...... for I don't know a couple of months" I said hiding the hurt expression within me.

She came close to my ears and whispered.

"Then they won't mind to let you sleep at my house with Nagisa would they?" I shook my head at her statement.

"Great! Then come on we don't have all day here, we better start climbing the mountain!" Wait she lives some where at the mountain?


Some where near the area is a yellow octupus called korosensei

'Hhmm, what if I give up destroying the Earth? And start a new life......' he shove the thought later for he likes to be an ally on making karamagisa a canon...

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