Chapter 8

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Karma's POV

I woke up, did my morning routine ,ate breakfast, locked the door and went too school but I had an uneasy feeling, like someone is missing.

I started to climb the mountain with Isogai and Sugino when Kayano walk towards us.

"Morning, Karma where's Nagisa ? Its unusual for him not to join you." She said.

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him. Mabey he's already at the classroom." I said.

But when we arrived at the classroom there's no one there. That's odd I'm sure Nagisa would be earlier than me or join me.

Few minutes later. The first bell rang. But there's no sign of him. 'Where are you Nagisa ?' I thought feeling uneasy again.

Then korosensei came with professor bitch and Mr. K

"Well class, you saw the misterios lady right? Well, Shes the new teacher! Nurururu~" Said that yellow octupus.

"But where is she korosensei~?" I asked him. Then professor bitch just signed ,went to the window and open it? Why?
"Um professor bitch why do you open the window?" Rio asked. Even Mr. K is curios

"Just watch ,step aside karasuma and you octopus." She said while went to the side of Kayano? Korosensei and Mr. K just shrugged and stepped aside.

Thats when a small spear like thing connected to a rope shot above the door and came the misterios woman zip lining out of now where! All of us except prof bitch shocked . Damn! I gonna admit thats awesome but I still call her a bitch for kissing and hugging Nagisa! I thought with anger and glare at her.

"Sorry I'm late Irina " she smiled. Professor bitch just giggled.

"You never change do you? Your late Nally but just in time please introduced yourself at the class" prof bitch said. While that bitch just giggled.

She turn to us , gave us a smile and spoke.

"Hi everyone my name is Nally,and I'll be your strategy,gadget, acting and Math teacher. Any questions?" She said. She only say her first name......then what's her last name?

There's silence first but it was broken when Okuda first raise her hand .

"Yes? You miss with the glasses please say your name then your question."

"My name is Okuda and no offense ma'am but...what are your relationship with Nagisa and who are you to him?" That's the question that everyone in there mind want to now, especially me.

"Non taken and he's one of the most important people in my life and hes special to me." She smiled but its different, like it's a real this time. I feel hurt that my best friend didn't tell me his relationship with her.

"Oh is that so ma'am thanks for the answering" okuda said.
"OK any more questions?" She asked. I raised my hand this time .
"Yes, you redheaded boy?" She said but somehow her voice sound excited.

"The names Karma ma'am and where is Nagisa if he is so dear to you?" I said with a mixed of teasing and worry on my voice.

"Oh he's alright! His mother got arrested for a reason and he's sick so...... that's why he's absent today, mabey he will be back on Monday." She said. Wait Nagisa's mother got arrested and he's sick!?

"Ma'am another question. If Nagisa's mother got arrested then where does he live now? and is he safe? and who is taking care of him?" I asked worried about him so this is the uneasy feeling I've been having since this morning.

"Calm down Karma, he is ok. He's living with me, he's perfectly safe and my maid Mary is the one taking care of him ....... *question,question kimi wa~* oh sorry wait a second class" she took out her phone that I'm not familiar with and she answered it in front of the class.

"Hello? Nagisa not now I'm in front of the class?" The name of Nagisa perks my interest. Then we heard shouting. Its really loud mabey she put it in loud speaker it.

"Oh is that so? Say to them that I'm alright not to be worried about.oh and Nally? JUST HOW HUGE IS THIS MANSION!!!" Wait mansion? Woah this chick must be rich. But I'm happy that his alright tho.

"*giggles* just don't get tired because if you do you'll get lost in there OK?"she said

"*sign* OK Nally I won't get tired and I'm with Mary so there's nothing to be worried about" he said. That makes me feel better now .knowing that Nagisa is in safe hands. But why does he live with this chick and not me!.....wait I'm not jealous again am I ? Urghh ...... i wish I knew this feeling. I'm smart but if I don't know this fucking alien feeling then its useless!!!

*Sign* just what is happening to me? I was snapped to reality when that chick asked me.
"Is that all Karma?"she said.
"No ma'am there's one more. Why do we have three unfamiliar subject to you and why do you know prof bitch there?" I'm also curios miss Nally's profile.

"Hmmm...... a little personal but very well. That's because me and Irina are best friends, co worker and former students." I was gonna ask again but judging by my reaction she beat me to it.

"Another one is that's because I'm an assassin too but more skilled than Irina, no offense huh Irina ?" Prof bitch just nod and spoke.

"Another thing brats she is the legendary assassin that I'm talking about , shes the 'Mistress'. Why that nickname? Because she's almost kill 50 yakuzans at the same time and only has minor injuries" after prof bitch said that ,were all shocked and the same time bewildered.

After the introduction the day went by like a flash. And before I knew it I'm sleeping restlessly.... Thinking about Nagisa's status.

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