Final Chapter

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Third person POV

The day finally came for the E class to go to Paris ,France there all excited. Nally provided the ride and there going to stay.

8 in the morning

•••Nally POV•••

"OK role call guys." The all line up and then I started to call there names. When I'm sure that they are all here I call the driver of the jet plane that we riding to Paris.

Few minutes later.

The jet finally arrived. We enter and finally put our thing on there room (yes the jet has a room for each pair of ppl and some has double bed but except for Isogai,Maehara,Nagisa,and Karma's room)

I hoped my other Lil brother doesn't get sad but I saw how he I'm prove in basketball.

We ate dinner and played some games like truth or dare until its almost midnight.

"OK guys korosensei and the other two teachers would meet us at the Eiffel tower after we land in 6 to 8 hours" I said while every one whine but Nagisa . it looks like he's nervous of he's gift to Karma. I laugh silently and pat his head sign of encouragement. Then I stared at the whole class.

"If you don't go to sleep you have to miss the shopping fun in Paris especially I'm paying all your expenses and all the food trips, arcades and go sight seeing" they went silence and hurried said good night to me but Nagisa stay and told Karma to go first.

"Nally I'm nervous about my present, what if he doest want it?" I just signed. I whispered some tips for him if the current present failed then its up to present B and after i said it his face burned a darked shade of red darker than Karma's hair.

He just nod then he headed to his and Karma's room. I went to my room and also drift to sleep.

∆∆Time skip∆∆

At the airport arrival

Third person POV

They all excited for the holiday at Paris that they didn't know where is the hotel or some thing to stay.

They all waited Nally but when she come out she dressed like a model. Then all of the sudden a wave of reporters came to her asking a huge tsunami questions.

But she kindly rejected them and explained to them and they understand it.

"Ma'am just how popular are you?" Itona (yes finally got the right spelling) said while Kayano and the others nod.

"If you count that I'm a around the world designer and a model, idol, and a inventor then I say pretty crazy popular but different names ." woah she's really rich and popular' thats the most thought of the class while that walked out of the airport.

There parked a black limo but not any just limo inside is some weapons , costume , and some gadgets.and the driver is a retired hitman and he has a wife that is also a retired employee police, its a cute love story really and they have a daughter that is 5 years older than Nally and has a husband even he's a assassin.

They enter the limo and greet the driver between his 40s and 50s. He too returned it and drove to Nally's mansion which his family current live.

While he drove he told them his story and make. Quick sight seeing and in the process that they picked up the other three teachers and they finally arrived at Nally's minor .

Time skip(again)

after they unpack and meet Anthony 's family they proceed to go shopping for there presents and for Nagisa's present for Karma's birthday.

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