Chapter 14

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Nagisa's POV

What the hell!? Nee-san why must my crush/best friend aka Karma, sleep in my room!?

Well I can't argue with her. I just hope that he doesn't find out about my crush on him..

"OK guys its nearly midnight, time to go to bed. And please wake up at 8 or 9 for breakfast , remember we have a long day tommorow its only Sunday. That's all, good night everyone" Nally-nee said to us and all my classmates got inside except me and Karma.

We sat at the pool and had some juice. There was an awkward silence but I heard Karma talk breaking the awkwardness.

"Nagisa? Why didn't you tell me that you got abuse?" I froze and I remember Nally told them.

"N-Nally-nee told y-you everything?" I fiddle my figers.Please say no.

"Yeah and The fact she's an assassin, your sister and do you not trust me anymore?" He said looking at me. I saw something that I wouldn't believe that exist. Sadness and hurt.

Without knowing it I hug him.

"Its not that I don't trust you. I-its ju-just that*sniff* I don't *sob* wa-want y-you to get in-invole*sob*". While I hug him tighter. That I didn't realize that I get on his lap.

Karma's POV

Im so dumb! Now Nagisa is crying! I was so focus blaming myself that I felt some weight on my lap and body. He's hugging me and it felt so right.

I return he's hug and spoke some soothing words.

"Hey its ok , please don't cry . I hated seeing you sad and crying. The reason why I'm upset because you didn't tell me that she's a relative. To tell you the truth I got jealous " I chucked at the last part but replace when I realize what I said.

Damn it! Why did I say that I'm jealous? I look him in the eye once he's not crying anymore. Wow, he's so cute. I wipe the remaining tears on his cheeks then he spoke.

"Really, Karma you were jealous of my sister?" He said while staring at me with his shining blue eyes.

Is this a perfect time to confess? I mean I just figured out my feelings today toward Nagisa . Well mabey I would considering that I might not get another chance.

I stare at him and he did the same. My eyes trace to his kissable lips. Nagisa is about to stand up but I pull him towards me without any moment to waste I kiss him. It tastes like strawberry, mabey the flavor of the drinks.

Before I pull away , I felt Nagisa hand went to my neck and kiss back . I can't believe it he's kissing me back!

Nagisa's POV

I was gonna stand up and say sorry why i asked but before i know it Karma suddenly kissed me! It lasted a minute or two. But it felt like hours. He was gonna pull his lips but I kiss him back and my hand made its way to his neck. He taste like cherry with hint of mint.

We broke the kiss to breath. We panted like we ran on a marathon. The next thing I know he said that make my world in paradise.

"I love you Nagisa." Three words, eight letters and one statement that's all it takes to make me kiss him one more time. It lasted a few minutes then broke.

"I love you too Karma" I said and hug him still on his lap. He laughed then hug me back.

"You don't know how long I waited to tell you that, well I just figured out my feelings towards you today too. Nagisa will you be my boyfriend?" he smiled at me , a real smile. That smile that I love so much, I nodded at his proposal and we continue to hug each other contented by our warmth Nothing can ruin this moment.

"Nurururu~ this is some juicy gossip, oh don't mind me I'm just an yellow octopus that hanging from the side of the pool. Nurururu~" korosensei said while turning pink. Damn it why must i spoke to soon? Oohh that yellow flying octupos teacher! We love Korosensei but hes the worst when in gossiping! Before he escape. Karma and I chase him with our BBguns until hes gone.

"Well its a 1AM we should go to sleep" I nod. We went to my room and change clothes but I change in the bathroom. And I let my hair down.

"Hey Nagisa your room has everything and twice the size of our room in school but why does it have a bar?" I sit next to him at the couch and snuggle at his chest.

"That? I really don't know. Any way we should get to sleep" I stand up and I was about to approach my bed when I remember the nightmare I dream of. I turn toward Karma and ask him.

"Hey Karma? You wouldn't mind sleep with me dont you? I said with a hint of fear.

Karma's POV

I'm shocked. Why would Nagisa want me to sleep with him?

"But why?" Uurggh! Stupid! I shount asked him that.!

"Well...its because of the nightmare I have that I can't to get it out. So please~Karma sleep with me?" How can I say no to his puppy eyes and pouting at me.

"OK, OK just stop with the pouting and the puppy eyes" he jumped at me and kissed my cheeks. A blush appeared on his face but I kiss him square on his lips. We broke for air then we went to the bed.

Nagisa climbed in and me after. I didn't notice that Nagisa's bed is big. We laid down then stare at each other.

I give him one last kiss but this time I lick his lips asking for entrance. He slightly open them but its an opportunity for me to slide my tongue inside.

I search every inch in his mouth until we need to breath.

"Good night Nagisa ." I said kissing his forehead. He came closer to me a slight blush appear and bury his face to my chest. Causing me to wrapped my arms around his smaller body.

"Good night too Karma" he said while drifting to sleep. And I came after a few minutes. I hope his sister or korosensei doesn't tell anybody or once again hell broke loose.

A/n. Hello minna! Cyza here, so what do you think? Too cheezy? Or too soon anyway comment on what do you want on the future chapter. Bye!

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