Chapter 9

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(A/n - the picture above is the outfit of Nally and please comment, sorry if there's not much fluff or any karmagisa momments i just like going detailed. Anyway on to the chapter.~Cyza)


••Third person POV••

The next day Karma didn't go to school for some reason. None of there classmates were worried because it means its a perfect day for the E-class to plan there current problem,'How to get Karma and Nagisa together?'

°°Time skip°°

The bell rang as a signal its lunch time. They discuss there plan in the classroom. The students thought hard but come up with no plan until lunch time was over.

Now they had the whole afternoon with the new teacher because of there new schedule. (It goes like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for Nally 's teaching for half a day and let's just say that Saturday would an extra class only once a month)

××Isogai POV ××

When lunch is over we went to our respective seats. I look around the room, we look depressed. *sign* I just hope that miss Nally would not see through us.

After a few minutes she came with a luggage and a smirk on her face? Weird but not as weird as koroisensei.

"Sorry class if I'm late I lost track of time " she spoke while placing aside the luggage. I spoke politely to her hoping that doesn't have a short temper.

"Ma'am what's with the luggage and why are you smirking?" She stopped right in front of me . I swallowed nervously. She look at me then the others. 'Please don't say that she can sense our depression?' I thought but man this woman is observant.

"Before I answer your question Isogai, why are you all depressed?" I turn around and look at my class mates asking for permission and they look at me to give it a go. I took a deep breath and spoke.

"Ma'am please don't be mad at us , its because we can't make a plan to make Nagisa and Karma together" she look at me then laugh?

"Haha~ I'm not mad at all" with that I started questioning her but before I started she spoke.

"Before the questioning shall we get started with the math then with the rest of the secudle would be free time but under my control, got it?" She said while taking out her strange phone. Why? Didn't she have a math book?

"Um ma'am may I asked what brand of that phone?" Itonou said . well we can't blame him, he is talented at making gadgets and since we have a subjects for gadget that must be really interest him.

"Oh this! None , I make this phone , it may be strange but it can store as ten times better as the latest model this year." With that answer , now I want to learn more.

Before we started she went to her luggage and then took out two lengthwise screens. She then put one at each frame of the door and the frame of the window. She put her phone on the of the desk then look at me.

"Isogai what topic does korosensei stopped and is Karma present?" She ask while tapping her phone. Why does she wants to know if Karma is present?

"Um... were in *insert topic* ma'am and no he's not ma'am" after I said that she just smirked and tap one more time on her phone then the two screen burst out a blue light with the phone spreading the topic.
Wow how did she make that? it's a hologram! We are all shocked. Damn this teacher is amazing just amazing as korosensei.

"Now class shall we start the lesson so that we can discuss your problems?" OK if we hang out with her then we can get to know her better and to learn some advises, after all she is a strategy teacher too.

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