Chapter 3

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××Nagisa's POV××

Its great to see her again! The last time I saw her was when I was ten.
As I walked toward Korosensei's desk ,she suddenly kissed my cheek and hugged me .

*While hugging*

"Its great to see you again Nagisa" she said with a smile on her face.
"Great to see you too, but you didn't say you were coming back" I said.
"Ohh~ that its because I wanted to surprise you, and it worked!! And by the way that red head over there, I think he has a crush on you~" she purred in my ear.

I just hide my blush so that she won't notice that I have a crush on my best friend....
Yup..., you heard it right I have a crush on Karma aka the devil ,but I'm too afraid to confess ... What if he rejects me? Want if he stops being my friend?
I just buried the thought in the back of my mind.

As we broke our long embrace we laughed gingerly...
But then all hell broke loose..




Bla bla bla until all my classmates ask the same question....

"IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!?" Angry tone leaking at it..

I was going to answer the questions when Nally stopped me and whisper to me...

"Wait a minute Nagi" using the special nickname from when we were young.

"What is it? Nally-n--mph!" Before i can finish my sentence she put her hand over my mouth
"Shhh~ just call me Nally when we're around them, when we're home or it's just the two of us then you can call me that. are we clear?" She said with her famous sweet innocent smile but deep down she had other plans either bad or good. I just nod then she removed her hand.
"*sign* ~So what's your plan Nally? I know that smile your thinking of something." The last time she smiled like that is a bad thing.. "Ooh~ lets just say I am a close friend of your English teacher Irina. Now that makes sense right Nagi?"
My eyes widen on what I just heard .... So she's 'Mistress', Professor Bitch's best friend. "Yeah that make sense 'Mistress'~" now its her turn to widen her eyes and she just smile. We were snapped our quite conversation when Kayano yelled.

"Hey Nagisa ! You didn't answer our questions!" I just sighed and calmly answered
"Mabey tommorow guys ,besides I promised Nally to introduce her to the teachers, and by the way she knows that we have to kill Korosensei.." And I was saved by the bell.
"Well everyone you heard, Nagisa he will answer your questions tommorow thats it for today goodbye! Nurururu~" Korosensei went somewhere mabey Hawaii again with his mach 20 speed.

I gathered my things and said good bye to every one wen I notice that Karma kept glaring at Nally..mabey he is jealous.... that thought made me blush but luckyly no one noticed which made me happy.....wait no,no, no, No! Why do I keep getting my hopes up!! I thought angerly to my self. Its just that it hurts to be rejected by the one you love ......
Its hard to keep a secret from a friend that you fell for.
I just decided to meet up with Nally in the hallway.

*Third person POV *

Nagisa and Nally went to the faculty room. When they entered Professor Bitch was surprised.

"Nagisa, can the teachers and me talk in private? You can go home now, tell mum to I'll be home between 8 and 9" she said with a smile
"Are you sure Nally-nee? Said the worried boy.
"Yup! Now go home." She pushed Nagisa out so that she could have a proper conversation with the teachers.

As Nagisa went home, he was wondering what his sister wanted to talk about with the teachers. Yup ... you heard it right. Nally is Nagisa's big sister.

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