Chapter 7

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Nagisa's POV

The next day

I woke up with a little pain in my back but I was fine . I was in my own non girly, grand bedroom that has my favorite colors.

A knock was heard from my door and then came a voice.

"Nagi? Your awake? Its Nally may I come in?" She asked me from the other side of the door.
"Yeah! You can come in Nally-nee!" I said in a carefree manner. I'm just happy that, I'm free from the witch l we once called 'mother'.
She came in and had a tray with breakfast and medicine.

"Hey you OK now Nagi?" She once she put the tray in front of me.
"Yup! Wow who cooked this meal? its amazing! I know you , don't wake up when you stayed up all night." When I taste the heavenly goodness.

"Oh you got me, its my maid I treat her like a mother! Do want to call her Nagisa ?" I just nod after I finish my meal and medicines.

She got up and walked to a black button. She pressed it and said something. She walked back to me to let me know that she's coming up.

A few minutes later a voice is heard.

"Nally? May I came in?" Said a motherly voice.
"Yes you may Mary!" Nally respond to the voice.

A woman mabey she's in her mid thirties, she had a shoulder length dark blue hair cut, has the same color of my eyes and she is not wearing any maid outfit but what any mother would wear when home.

"Oh! You must be Nagisa darling! Call me anything you like and you enjoy your meal?" She said warmly to me.

"Yeah thats me! And its delicious. Mary can I call you 'mum'?" I answered, I hope she say yes to my request?

"Oh course honey , I'm not just like your previous mother that treated you like a doll! I will take Care of you! And Nally your gonna be late for your students and explain the situation to them about Nagisa ." she said to me while turning to Nally-nee . I just giggle at the sight . finally a perfect family.

"Yeah OK 'mum' bye Nagisa oh by the way Mary here is a assassin too ya know" she said before walking out of my door. I just turn to my new mum and stare at her.

"Haha! She's not joking Nagisa , I was a assassin before but I stopped and before I knew it I became a maid of the famous 'Mistress' and now I became a mother to you and Nally" she explained to me carefully with a bright smile ion her pretty face.

"Oh that explains it! Mum can I explore the mansion with you?" I asked because Im curios just how big this house is!

"*giggled* OK honey but I gonna warn ya its pretty big, first thing first go take a bath and so that I can apply the healing gel" before she walked out of my room.

I got up and I look around my room. My room is like twice the size of the classroom but a little bit wider. I have a king size bed, a study table, a couch, a flat screen TV, a coffee table, a mini library, two big walk in closet, a bathroom, a balcony, a mini fridge and a bar? Pretty much everything.

I went to the balcony to see that I can see the E class building and. I grabbed some binoculars, I spotted my best friend/ long crush Karma entering the building. Heart pounding when I saw him . I signed and thought 'I wish I was there to greet him but I have to stay here for 5 More days that means I get to see him on Monday! ' that last thought made me jump with excitement. I notice that on my left side of my balcony is a tall tree that makes a little shade at the small table and chair ? I didnt notice that oh well better get ready for the tour around that mansion... with that I went back inside to get ready.

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