Chapter 2

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Rose could barely stop herself from running up onto the castle walls, a giddy, girlish excitement crawling up her spine. She bounced up and down a bit in excitement, nudging the Doctor's shoulder. "Oh, but it's gorgeous," she said breathlessly, "I've never seen anything like it."

"No, of course you haven't," The Doctor replied, his tone a bit cocky as he started pulling her along. "This is the only monastery of its kind, and I doubt you've been to many monasteries at that."

"That's true," Rose said quietly, "Well, where's Lekan, was it?"

"Lekan, yes," he agreed, "I'm rather curious to see why he asked for help. They're rather isolated up here," he said.

Rose nodded, "I can see that," she said, looking around at the forest and how thick it was. "It's definitely doubtful that somebody else lives here."

"Well, people live on the planet of course, just not in this particular area," he informed her, swinging their hands a bit. "There's lots of cities spread out just seventeen kilometers from here."

"Oh," Rose looked about her surroundings again, "And they aren't closed in upon? You know, manifest destiny?"

The Doctor chuckled as though the very idea were foolish. "No, not at all," he said with assurance. "They respect each other's space. This is one of the more rural countries, but there are certainly more modern ones."

"How many countries are there?"

"Three-hundred and seventy five."


At that moment the reached the massive doors of the monastery, made of a heavy wood. Rose found herself gawking, unable to stop herself. The very appearance of it was magnificent and she would be hard-pressed to admit otherwise.

"Wow," she breathed. "'S even more beautiful up close."

The Doctor beamed at her, glad she was enjoying the sight before them. He took a step forward and lifted the enormous knocker and slammed it down. The vibrations made a heavy hum go through the building and Rose looked around in shock.

"What-" she began.

"They can hear through the whole monastery if it vibrates, a sound wouldn't go through the whole place."

Rose nodded, then threw a wide grin at him and grabbed his arm, jumping up at down. "This is brilliant!"

He grinned back at her. "Isn't it?" He replied excitedly.

"Doctor!" A man's voice echoed out from the inside of the monastery, possibly from one of the windows. Rose wasn't sure if she would really call them windows, though, considering that the windows were just rectangular holes in the stone. Effective, Rose had to admit, but she considered briefly the possibility of a thunderstorm in this weather.

"Lekan!" The Doctor shouted back, as the heavy doors started to open. "We got your message on the psychic paper!"

A man who looked only slightly like an Earth monk stepped forward from the opening doors. He was wearing a deep green robe, cinched at the waist with a rope. His hair flowed long, but the gold in his eyes told Rose immediately that he was not human. He almost appeared to be part reptile. He approached Rose and the Doctor. He bowed to the Doctor and then to Rose in turn. Both of them bowed in return, even if Rose did so a bit awkwardly with her rucksack on her back.

"I was hoping you would receive the message," Lekan said, "I was not sure it would go through. We have not used our paper in a very long time. Who is your companion this time, Doctor?"

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