Chapter 3

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Rose gave a little undignified squeak.  "Human blood?" She asked in shock.  "Who... And why?  Doctor?" 

The Doctor began scanning again and shook his head.  "There's no trace of anything else, any other people around here, just whoever was sacrificed."

Lekan looked incredibly distressed, running his thumb and forefinger to his forehead, his golden eyes shining with tears.  "I have no words, Doctor, for the cruelty that must have forced this to begin," he said, voice thick with emotion.  "How could someone do this?"

"I promise, I don't know, Lekan," The Doctor said, an angry dimple standing out in his cheek.  "But I also promise that I will find out," he pocketed the sonic.  "Rose will be staying with me here, I want her safe."

Lekan blinked.  "But of course, Doctor, I trust you will keep Rose safe better than any other could."

"I count on it," he said, casting a worried look at Rose.  "I want to pop around here a bit more, check for more DNA, if I can.  I'll clean it all when I'm through, I know how you despise that sort of thing. Perhaps you could show Rose the wildlife at the lake?" 

The Doctor seemed distracted, but not enough to suggest that Rose go anywhere that wasn't near to him.  Lekan met Rose's gaze and lifted a shoulder.  "Come, Rose," he said, "We will follow the good Doctor's orders, I expect."

"I usually figure that's the best way to go about things," she grinned, trying to offset the tension, and got a bright smile from Lekan in return.  He gestured before himself and let Rose precede him to the lake.  She waited for him when she got there, waiting for him to sit before deciding that she was also allowed to do so.  

He sat cross legged on the bank, his palms resting on his knees.  Rose sat down next to him, legs out in front of her.  

"How long have you been travelling with the Doctor?" Lekan asked, his tone light and conversational, though she could tell he was worried about the scene behind them.

"Almost three years," she replied, her hands wedged under her thighs, and it occurred to herself how unladylike she truly was.  

Lekan whistled in a low voice.  "Yes, he tends to lose people."

She clicked her trainers together.  "Not me," she said quietly. 

"Not you," Lekan said, smiling at her. 

Rose turned over her shoulder to watch the Doctor considering his examination.  He was intent, and looked worried, his tongue touching the front of his top teeth in concentration.  She sighed and turned back to face the water.  "I wonder why he didn't want me to help," she said softly.

"He only tries to protect you," Lekan said, "He is very focused on staying as close to you as possible while you are here."

"Yeah," Rose relented, "But sometimes he's a bit much, you know?  Like he thinks I can't take care of myself."

Lekan laughed lightly, shifting where he sat.  "I think he knows you can take care of yourself, Rose, but maybe he does not trust himself to leave you alone."

Rose considered that and hummed in the back of her throat.  "Maybe," she said softly.  "Ever since this one place we went, he's been different."

"Where were you?"

"Krop Tor," Rose said quietly, "I almost didn't make it out.  He thinks I don't know, but I do, and he just attaches himself to my side like he's gonna lose me again."

Lekan found himself smiling, knowing exactly what this meant, even if he hadn't seen that particular occurrence with the Doctor.  Rose was frustrated with his smothering, of course she was, but it was something that would keep her safe.  He lifted a shoulder and pretended to know nothing.  

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