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Last chapter!  I'll be back to write a requested one shot but that will be all for awhile. I hope you enjoy the chapter <3

Rose was not abject to having children.  She wasn't abject when she had children, although Jackie was convinced that those children really shouldn't be traveling about space.  The Doctor reminded Jackie very calmly that their children with about ninety eight percent Time Lord, with Rose's genetic differences and his genetics.  Jackie was still very angry about it. 

They went home for Christmas, 'home' being London, and not really their real home. Two toddlers in tow made the whole idea very tiring, but Grandma Jackie loved to spoil Sarah and Jack. She walked in on Rose asleep half on top of the Doctor on the couch too. He was out too, his mouth agape. It had been a long time since he'd been a dad, he'd most likely forgotten how tiring it was to be one. And of course, Rose had never been a mother, so there was that.

Jackie shook her head with a smile and put her grandchildren to bed. She really didn't think they should be on the TARDIS at all.

The Doctor, on the other hand, loved having the TARDIS filled with children, even if it was just two.  They were his, and they were Rose's, and that was quite enough.  She was tired but not aging, their two year old cuddled up against her as they sat in the library.  Little Sarah was asleep, her mother and father speaking quietly as to not wake her.

"Do you think they're Time Lords?" She mused, "Or just Gallifreyan?"

The Doctor shrugged. "Could be either, considering... I don't know.  We won't know until they're older."

"How much older?'

"Two hundred or so?"

She huffed out a laugh.  "I can't believe I'll live to see it."

"Yes, well, if you remember, I did tell you that you were brilliant." He smiled at her, a smile that had carried over through all the phases of their relationship. She grinned back at him, reaching out her hand and wiggling her fingers. He scooted over to her and cuddled up against her.

They sat in silence for a few moments, enjoying each other's presence and the telepathic energy thrumming through them.

"I'm so happy," he whispered finally, awe in his voice.

She leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek. "I'm happy too."

He sighed. "I love you."

He was asleep within moments of saying that, and Rose giggled to herself. She had a few precious minutes of quiet before Jack ran into the room, screaming and waving his wooden sword.

Yes, this was the life she wanted, even if it wasn't the anticipated one. And all because she had almost been sacrificed on an altar.

That was almost perfect for them. Odd, and impractical.. But them.

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