Chapter 16

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I make a habit of watching how my stories are doing, and these past few stories I've written have done really poorly in comparison to Run and Hide For Your Life and some of my other earlier fics that I don't even believe are as good as the ones I'm doing now (those were written a year ago, after all).  As a result, this is going to be my last story for probably about a month.  (this story ends up being 20 chapters total, I believe)

Those of you who have commented and voted on this one, you encourage me to no end and I know your users by heart because you are so enthusiastic and wonderful! Please don't forget about me on my hiatus, I promise I'll be back <3

My next story will be an episode rewrite.  I'm not sure which one, yet, but stay tuned!  Message me if you have any questions!  Enjoy the chapter:)

The Doctor had a bit of trouble focusing because of Rose's single-mindedness on their mental link.  Of course, there was no way for her to know about it, she couldn't possibly, but the thought of saving her so that he could preserve that link between them meant more to him than anything.  His hands began to shake with barely concealed rage and he and the monks fought to push the other aliens back.  He almost felt as though he was doing it himself, which was anything but true, he knew.  But his obsession with justice was obstructing his view.  Of course, he was still the Doctor, and he was trying very hard not to kill anyone.

"You're going to have to kill them," Lekan said mournfully, as though he had read the Doctor's mind.  "You must."

His voice was sad and the Doctor knew that he must have felt quite the same as he did, the sinking of the chest and the anger between the eyebrows.  The monks instantly grew stronger, pushing and fighting, despite their smaller frames, overpowering the men.  Kelickte was still unconscious, thanks to Rose's meddling with time and her blow on him.  That was the main deal, because without a leader, these men would be a little hesitant, with no orders to follow.  

It became clear that the monks had the upper hand when a simply massive man collapsed at the hands of one of the monks.  The others looked with shock at him and the monk who had done the deed swung his bo staff and planted it in the dirt, as though challenging, daring anybody else to come fight him.  The men fell quiet.  There were far less of them now, about six, still upright.  They stood in a staggered line against the Monks and the Doctor.  There were eight monks left, a few either casualties or passed out.  Which it was would still be unknown.

"We will find another altar," one of them said stubbornly, and Lekan shook his head. 

"There cannot be happy endings for all," he turned to the Doctor.  "The Shadow Proclamation?"

The Doctor nodded sullenly and began the process of calling down the Proclamation.  These men would certainly see punishment.  He ignored the way they shrunk away from him in fear.  They should have thought about the consequences before they'd done any of this, he thought.  Before they desecrated another altar, before they killed people, before they took Rose. 

Lekan laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder.  That was all he could give, though, as the Doctor was the most influential figure in the room.  He felt the full force of the Storm building up in him.  "Sit down," he ordered in a booming voice.  

The men did, immediately, some of them battered and bruised.  Some of them kept glancing over at Kelickte as though he would suddenly awaken to protect them from the Doctor.  One look at the ashen man told the Doctor he wouldn't be getting up for awhile.  

"Go to her," Lekan whispered as the men sat.  "The monks and I will take care of this."


When it fell silent outside, Rose started to grow concerned.  There were no sounds of fighting, but there were also no sounds of the aftermath.  She remained quiet, as she was supposed to.  It became harder to do so, but the idea of seeing the Doctor again was enough to get her to follow Rule Number One.  

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