Chapter 9

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Oxuzi, his entourage and Abesi led the Doctor and Rose into the meal or dining hut.  Rose was relieved to see that there was more than just fish, fruits, and vegetables.  The arrangements of meat were more diverse, was well as the spices and other things.  She could smell hot drinks, though she wasn't sure what they were, and the Doctor tugged her hand gently. 

"Here we are," Oxuzi gestured grandly to some of the people who were eating there.  It was clear it was very al la carte here, that people could eat whenever they wanted.  It was really very different from how the monks lived, and Rose could see very clearly why they didn't get along. 

They were led to a table, which was just that, a table, with crudely carved stools around it.  They sat down and Oxuzi told them to eat up.  Rose sat down and Abesi sat on her right, the Doctor on her left.  She watched as the Doctor looked over at Abesi and sniffed, appraising the other man.  

Rose glanced over at him, keeping a carefully blank expression on her face.  "Are you alright, Doctor?" 

"Yes," he said, his gaze snapping to her.  "Are you?"

She arched her brow, sensing this was him changing the topic, which he always did when things got a little too intimate between them.  She heaved out a sigh through her nose.  "Yeah.  I'm fine."  She gave him a tight lipped smile and turned back to all the food on the table.  There was a lot to focus on after all, though not as much as royalty would have at any given era.

Rose was surprised that the food was very similar to Earth's standards of it.  It was bland, overall, no special flavoring or anything at all making it special or different.  Even with the Doctor's attitude of being enthused at everything, he seemed a bit less impressed than usual.  She wondered if that was because of his automatic dislike towards Abesi.  The thought made her grin a little bit, because she really missed the possessiveness of his last body.  It was reassuring, comforting.  Now, she never knew where the lines were, and was always at a loss to try and cross them.

Oxuzi was eager to catch up with the Doctor and sat across from him instead of where his place probably was at the head. 

"And what brings you to Jebraxa this time?" He asked, "You are not usually a traveler without a purpose."  

"The disappearances," the Doctor said slowly, as though explaining it to a child.  "It's something a bit odd, don't you think?"

"Of course it's odd," Oxuzi said, furrowing his brows and making Rose wince with the action.  "But what business of it is yours?"

The Doctor hummed around a bite of bread.  "I find that most things in the universe end up being my business."

Oxuzi laughed.  "And your companion, here, do you worry she will vanish along with the others?"

The Doctor stiffened next to Rose, his suit jacket brushing her bare arm.  She looked over at him with a questioning look and saw his gaze close off to a neutral expression as he watched Oxuzi.  Rose watched him, studying the lines smoothing out on his face.  He schooled his gaze away from her, and she knew somehow it was for her benefit.  

"Of course I worry, that's why she isn't to leave my side," The Doctor said coolly.

Oxuzi must have sensed that something was off with the Doctor's words and tone, for he changed the subject to something Rose couldn't even hope to keep up with.  She continued eating in silence, listening, until she remembered she was sitting next to somebody else.  She turned to Abesi with what she hoped was a pleasant look on her face. 

"And what do you do, besides pierce your faces?" She asked in a jovial tone, and it drew a laugh from him. 

"We dance," he replied.  "The women wear bangles upon their ankles and we dance, to show our happiness, and our sorrow, and our anger."

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