Chapter 10

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Thanks for your patience on my unexpected hiatus:)

Gezeki was closer to the city of New New York then the other 'city' they had just been at.  Rose felt her mouth drop at the paved roads and automobiles and giant buildings with glass windows.  

The first thing they had to do was pass through a massive gate at the front of the city, several meters out from where the woods ended. The Doctor explained to Rose in no uncertain terms that the people there hated the people from the village they had just left.  (To be more specific, he actually did say the name of the village, but Rose said 'bless you' again and it was really a vicious cycle).

Either way, they were let in once seeing that aside from Rose's ears, the two of them were completely piercing free.  The people here were completely humanoid, and it reminded Rose of a very advanced Middle Eastern country.  Everyone wore light, flowing robes.  The women wore their hair long and Rose wondered what made it shine like that.  She suddenly felt very masculine around them and their small jaws and glowing eyes and shrunk into the Doctor's side. 

He looked at her in confusion.  "Are you alright?" He asked, not for the first time that day.

"They're beautiful," she replied cautiously as they walked further into the city on the sidewalk, past shops and restaurants. 

He scoffed and her ears almost perked at the sound.  "They're pretty," he relented, "You're beautiful."

She colored deeply and murmured a quiet thanks.  She was not sure what had gotten into him today, but she was hoping that it would get into him for the rest of her natural life and part of an unnatural one that she hoped to grasp.  

He squeezed her hand in a reassuring manner, but as per usual, quickly changed the subject. "It's about four o' clock right now," he mused, "We're making excellent time."

"Well, who are we going to see?" Rose asked.  "No chiefs here, are there?"

He shook his head.  "No, our best bet here is to talk to the locals.  Since we'll have to check into a hotel anyway, I think we should ask people milling about there."

"Nobody knows more than the help," Rose pointed out, "If you want to get anywhere, you ask the staff.  They have the gossip."

The Doctor made an approving sound in the back of his throat.  "Good idea.  Let's see, then, there's plenty of hotels, but seeing as we're very impressive travelers, we have unlimited credit sticks."

"Oh, so you brought us some cash with us this time?" She teased, knocking his hip with hers.  He laughed but quickly threw her an indignant look. 

"You forget money for chips one time," he murmured to himself, and she laughed. 

The city really was beautiful, but she found it was a reverse of the village they had just been at.  The people here were giving them odd looks, as though they didn't' quite belong but they were appraising them.  Rose was a bit uncomfortable, but once a few people offered her polite smiles she relaxed.

The buildings were mostly white, Rose supposed to keep things nice and cool, like the robes the people wore.  Even the hotels, with their modern structures, only had trims made of color.  THey finally reached one that was lavish enough for the Doctor's liking and they entered.  

It was even more impressive on the inside.  Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling in the lobby, a massive check in desk providing a welcoming atmosphere.  

"I'll go check us in," the Doctor said, releasing her hand.  "You go start in on people."

Rose laughed and shook her head.  "Yeah, alright, but don't forget to come find me."

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