Chapter 7

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Swimming, Rose decided later, was the most brilliant idea that she and the Doctor had ever come up with on their travels.  Even in his ninth body, she'd never seen him in swim trunks, but here she was, standing before a man who had blue trunks on, swim trunks!  And underneath that, below the knee, she could see he had legs.  That was a wild thought all in itself, as she had never seen them before.  And now, she couldn't quite stop herself from staring.

Her body was clad in a green bikini she couldn't remember picking up from the TARDIS and a modest dressing gown to cover her and protect her decency.  After all, it would't do to stumble across a monk in just a bikini  The very thought almost made her blush. 

It was still short, though, and left quite a lot of leg on display.  She hadn't worn a swimsuit since the last time the Doctor had taken her to a beach, so she was feeling a touch self concious about the whole thing.  

"Well, then, let's go," she said, shoving all her other thoughts away and slipping her feet into a pair of flip flops. 

The Doctor looked distracted, and she wondered if he could stop thinking about the altar for long enough to enjoy himself.  When he flashed her a smile that she knew was reserved especially for her, she returned the grin, feeling a bit more assured.  

He took her hand, as though there was no other means of letting her leave the room, and they walked to the altar courtyard again.  Though he wasn't about to tell her, while they walked and chatted, the Doctor had mostly let Rose lead them there.  The thought was reassuring, that she would be able to find her way back to the room, a safe place, at any given point in time.  

When they reached the lake, Rose peered warily up at all the windows around her.  "Are you sure they're not gonna look down here and get scandalized?" She asked, unconsciously drawing an arm around herself.

"Nah," The Doctor shook his head, and she tried not to stare as he removed his t-shirt.  "You know, Lekan said we could take evening meal alone in our room, since we'd probably be late to the real one anyway. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Yeah," Rose said, though she was staring at the very place she'd been trying not to stare at since his fingers had brushed under the hem of his top.  In retaliation (though it wasn't retaliation if the other person wasn't looking, was it?) she took off her cover up, leaving it in the grass and looking over her shoulder at the Doctor.  "They're too quiet when the eat anyway," she laughed. 

He hummed in agreement.  "They are," he said.

"Well, you with the unstoppable gob," she teased him.  "I think you probably get a twitch when you're quiet for too long."

He stepped over her cover up and beamed at her.  "I think you know that best."

Of course, he followed her like a lost puppy as she walked towards the bank, and she stuck her toe in the water.  "Is it heated?" She asked upon feeling warmth seep into her skin from the lake.

"No.  Natural temperature for the planet," he said easily.  "The fish like it warm, and Rose Tyler likes it warm."

She laughed.  "How's that work, then?  If it gets so cold at night, you know."

"Yeah, well, the science is a little different here.  Everything is a little off color, so to speak, a more abstract list of rules and laws, but it's just fine for this place."  He dipped his toes in the water and smiled as a few of the glittering little fish swam up to his feet.  "I know it's not what you're used to.  It's kind of like a warm spring.  You know, like a hot spring, but..."

"Warm and not hot?" She finished, arching an eyebrow at him. 

He laughed and nodded.  "Yes, warm.  Comfortable.  Just above room temperature.  Go on then."

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