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"Lets put him up a tree"

"Lets put him up a tree"

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"You're making a wrong decision"
The mans raspy old voice yelled out

"No I'm making a good one, why would I trust a stranger? Haven't you heard of stranger danger!"

"What are you five?"

Keeping her pace, the van pulled up beside her, following her pace as well. Her eyes focused on the road ahead and not to the blue eyed men that sat inside the white van

"Why can't you just listen to us?"

"And why can't you just leave me the hell alone!?"

"It wouldn't feel right to just leave a kid stranded"

"I'm not a kid dweeb and you're not leaving me stranded it's my choice so move along assholes"

"We're taking you with us ether you like it or not, just try it out" -

"Stay as much time as you want, if decided you don't like it, you'll be allowed to leave"

"I have a feeling you'll followed me even if I say no?"
she rose her eyebrow at the men

"Didn't have that in mind but now we do, so yeah"
The man with the shaggy hair shrugged

Biting the inside of her cheek harshly, her mind threw rocks at her senses making it harder to come up with an answer. Pressuring eyes burned through the side of her head, as their heavy stare made it harder to make up an excuse.

They stopped the van and the man who was driving got out, letting her sit in the middle between the two. The awkward sense filled the quite spacious van, both the mens shoulders brushed against hers making goosebumps appear on her skin. It had been long since she had encountered other human. 
"So, you got a name?"

she answered swallowing a knot in her throat

"I'm Rick Grimes, and that's Daryl"
Curly brown introduced himself and his partner

"How old are ya'?"
Daryl asked

Her answer came out bland

"Y'Been on your own all this time?"
Daryl again asked

"Yes, now what about you huh? How old are you? Probably 60 right? Oh and why are you so ugly? When was the last time you showered?"

Daryl quietly murmured

"Not a real calm one now aren't you"
Rick added ignoring Daryl's comment

"It's not a hard question to answer, 'is all" 

"Well I think you'll fi-" Daryl was interrupted by a loud thump on the roof of the van "What the hell- You hear that?"

"Yeah hold on" Suddenly Rick jerked to a stop making the person fly off the van, it was the Jesus guy from earlier

He got up and looked at them, and began to run the other direction. Daryl and Rick went into a 'beast mode' because Rick jerked the van back to life and went full speed chasing after Jesus. Daryl had other plans as he hopped out of the van and went chasing after Jesus on foot making Rick yell after him.

 This was something she thought was hilarious, to see two grown men chasing each-other like a game of tag.

Rick went full reverse and got out of the van leaving her inside

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Rick went full reverse and got out of the van leaving her inside. The whole commotion had her on the edge of the seat, no longer wanting to watch, but to join.


 She went to look to see Rick's response but saw the walkers that had decided to join in the fun also. She made her way towards them pulling out her knife and stabbed half of them while Rick did the other half.

"You should have stayed in the van!" He yelled at her in frustration

"You're not my dad to tell me what to do" she yelled back rolling her eyes

Meanwhile she turned her attention to Daryl and Jesus, that were now in the van fighting but more unwanted guests appeared. Daryl was trying to pull Jesus out but while doing so he might have not heard the growls of the walkers yet, Jesus did. Out of nowhere a gun was pulled which made Daryl stand still.


Daryl did so and Jesus shot the walker behind him. To say she wasn't entertained was a lie, she was enjoying every second of it.

"Thanks" He punched Jesus in the face "That's ma' gun!" And tackled him but the van started moving, still on reverse. It headed straight towards the lake with Daryl and Jesus still inside. Luckily they got out, with only a possible concussion from Jesus that had banged his head on the open door.

She couldn't help but to burst out laughing, making Rick look at her strangely. The trio reunited, standing in front of a knocked out Jesus.

"You alright?" Rick asked

"Yeah, some bullshit man. Lets go check them' cars get the hell out of here"

"What about the guy?" Rick nodded towards Jesus

"Screw him he just made you lose your van" Her sly addition to the conversation had been ignored by both men

"What about him?" Daryl turned back to Rick

"He helped you" Rick added


"Did he ever pull a weapon on you?"

"Fine" Daryl gave in - "Lets put him up a tree"

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