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"Ha ha ha! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!"

"Ha ha ha! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!"

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The sanctuary felt like a prison, it was dull and full of lifeless people. The hallways were dark and the place lacked of color. The windows were the only thing that provided any sort of comfort, as the sun would shine in making it a bit more bearable. Everything looked the same, each corner, each door, each room. The routine was the same, sleep, eat, and read. Her place in the sanctuary was like being a princess, as her father was the king. Everyone kneeled when she walked by, everyone was feared her. Their lack of support and connection was another thing that made the place miserable. No smiles were on display, no laughs were shared, and no heart was seen. It was only work, work, and repeat. Everything here was a complete opposite of what Alexandria portrayed.

But that's not even the least of her worries. She haven't seen nor heard word of Daryl ever since they arrived. Even at the thought of Daryl made her start bitting her nails away.

Something inside her yelled to accept her new home. Sure it doesn't have Maggie's motherly vibes or Carol's amazing casserole that she use to make. It doesn't even have Carl's obnoxious questioning that she went through most of the days back in Alexandria. Her stomach knotted at the thought of Carl. Through the counted days in Alexandria, they had built an extraordinary relationship. He'd be by her side all day and never got tired her talking all the time. If her diary was person, it'd be Carl. Though she would always find herself consuming everything he'd tell her. His mother Lori was his star of every memory he told. The way he'd describe her beauty, her personality, made her sometimes question if he were okay talking about her. His loss of his mother had changed him, or so he said. Carl had gone through a roller coaster of events, and it fascinated her of how he still managed not to break. Her thoughts were stopped as she realized, she missed him. Her heart suddenly began to hurt and in a snap her mood changed.

Loud heavy steps outside the door snapped her out of her foolish thoughts as the door swung open to reveal Negan.

"Sweetheart we're going on a field trip! Come on" He announced as he grabbed her hand and led her to the trucks without waiting on her answer.

The trucks seemed ready to go, men already piling into them. She glanced at a few to see if any held Daryl in them. A green truck came in view as the back of it was exposed and in it was Daryl, in a jumpsuit with a letter A spray painted on the jumper. His eyes connected with hers as he then looked back at the men who sat next to him. His eyes told her he couldn't move, but his soft smile sent her saying something else. She nodded in acknowledgement making him know that she was alright.

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