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"One guard can't cover two exits"

"One guard can't cover two exits"

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The orange soft rays begun to arise into the clear canvas of the once darkened sky. The air pierced her skin as she stepped out into the early morning. The row of houses stood quietly as the souls inside still rested.

Carol had been a great host and had trusted her into sleeping inside her claimed home. The couch as expected, was hard but it was nothing compared to the hard solid ground in which her  back had come to accustomed to. Feeling a bit overstayed, early next morning she had left the home.

Commotion had risen from the house diagonal from where she stood. Soon enough a figure stepped out and fled towards the house next door. Though as it seemed as the people were alarmed. A familiar shaggy haired male came out to the open, beside him was two other people whom didn't fit names to her mind. Soon, a whole group of people huddled up with one another.

Curiosity sparked her interest and her feet began to move forward. Not before, they all entered the house without them noticing her approach.

Lucille's quietness had become a skill over the years, her presence becoming unknown. The front door had been left open and the group had settled in what seemed to be the dinning room.

"How'd you get out" Rick asked

"One guard can't cover two exits, or third floor windows, knots were untied and locks get picked, entry come from order right?"

"Right" Daryl grunted

"I checked out your arsenal, haven't seen anything like that in a long time. You're well equipped but your provisions are low, very low for the amount of people you have...54?"

"More, more than that"
A female voice commented

"Well I appreciate the cookie my compliments to the chef-"

"She ain't here" Daryl cut him off

"Look we got off to a bad start but were on the same side, the living side"

"You, Rick, and the girl had every reason to leave me out there, you didn't. I'm from a place that's similar to this one, part of my job is searching for other settlements to trade with. I took your truck because my community needs things and the three of you looked like trouble, I was wrong you're good people and this is a good place. I think our communities may be in a position to help each other"

"Do you have food"

"We started to raise live stock, scavenge, grow everything from tomatoes-"

"-Tell us why we should believe you" Rick asked

"I'll show you, we take a car and I can take you back home in a day, and you can all see for yourselves who we are and what we have to offer"

"Wait you're looking for more settlements you mean you're already trading with other groups?" The female asked again

"Wait you're looking for more settlements you mean you're already trading with other groups?" The female asked again

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"The world is about to get a whole lot bigger"

Lucille . c.gWhere stories live. Discover now