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"Gone in a matter of a bite"

"Gone in a matter of a bite"

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Rick Grimes was on the verge of life or death. The loss of his first child had created an incredible amount of pain to the blue eyed man. The image of Carls bite lingered his mind. The single bullet rang through his brain like an annoying song. His devastation was at large, everything was just hitting him all at once.

he was right
he couldn't keep lori alive
he couldn't keep carl alive

The blame was easily pointed towards himself. He couldn't keep him safe, he had failed his very own son. What caused more pain to the remaining Grimes, was not only his son dying, but Lucille as well. The deaths of the teenagers caused a heartbreak to the members of Alexandria. No one would be the same anymore. Their hearts were filled with sorrow and anger. A hole in their hearts for the fallen. It only increased the impatience of killing Negan even more.

Yet through all of this sadness, no one knew how to tell Negan that his daughter had died —
Rick told him when mentioning Carl's death.

In that very second, forgetting the war, the pain, everything; Rick sympathized Negan, vise versa –in the aspect of both being fathers. They had lost their children to the monstrosity of this new world. They could both feel the pain and that was all Rick Grimes had in common with Negan. The devastation that lingered in their minds, the pain they felt in their heart at the thought of their child, the loneliness that wrapped them instead of their child's arms.

Negan felt the world collapse, he felt the world suffocating him – he felt nothing.
As if his mind couldn't get anymore fucked, the world threw him something more.

His little girl, his first born, his everything—gone in a matter of a bite.

It wasn't fair. It wasn't the way she was suppose to die. It wasn't the way he wanted her to die– in pain, alone, scared.

He witnessed many of his men and women loose their loved ones–hell, he even killed them in front of them. He didn't endure the pain they felt at the time, but now—now he understood.

And if Negan could take it back, he would–but it was too late, because karma came right back and bit him on the ass—
and for that, for that he had to pay.

Lucille had died before Carl Grimes. They weren't together at the very exact moment of her death, she had been taken away during her last few minutes.

"Bye Grimes"
Her once vibrant brown eyes sunken and filled with tiredness, her tanned skinned was now a sick pale. Her eyes wondered to the boy beside her who looked just as awful as she did "It was a pleasure, I had a good time living with you by my side"

The boy sadly smiled "Me too L, me too" He whispered

A small exchange of weak smiles were given until Daryl took the girl from the cot, ready to take her to a more comfortable location. The gang stood around her, saying their dreadful goodbyes. Rick Grimes sobbed as she thanked him "Hey dweeb, thank you, for everything you've done –And, if possible, tell my dad i forgive him—he's an asshole but he's my asshole"

Rick nodded at the teen, kissed her forehead, and returned to his seat next to Carl. His heart was heavy, his mind was blank, and his sobs were silent.

Daryl laid her on her old bed, the bed Maggie and Glenn had given her when she moved in their home. It was her first bed she had claimed since the start of the apocalypse–and now it was her last.

Daryl pushed back her hair away from her face, playing at the ends of it, he wanted to make her as comfortable as he could. He wanted to make sure she wasn't alone.

Her watery eyes looked up at the ceiling, a boring white ceiling. Her breathing was staggered, sweat dripped from her forehead, numbness had taken half her body already.

"Night Daryl"

His blue eyes closed and then re-opened "Night"

All her strength was pulled as she found the trigger, and with one last look at the white ceiling, she was gone.

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