Frisk the Kinker #4½

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US!Sans: Here we are. We should be alone now.

UL!Papyrus: ...Where are we...? How do you know?

US!Sans: Simple. We're in a new chapter.

US!Sans: As for how I know? That's simple as well. No one new can join us here unless it's typed down by the person in charge of this entire story. If she wants something to happen, it happens. If she doesn't, it doesn't. Her current plan is to let us go through this chapter with a cliff hanger ending, so that's what will most likely occur.

UL!Papyrus: Goodness.

UL!Papyrus: How do you even know these things?

US!Sans: Heck if I know. It's what the author wants.

US!Sans: I've figured out something, though.

UL!Papyrus: What now, Blue?

US!Sans: I can manipulate the author. Once again, it's simple.

US!Sans: All I have to do is keep giving her more and more evil ideas to stick into this book. By me simply existing in here in the first place, more and more possible plans and schemes keep popping into her head.

UL!Papyrus: How does someone

UL!Papyrus: so innocent looking like you

UL!Papyrus: become even more sinister than me

UL!Papyrus: and yet people still love the crap out of you

US!Sans: Guess it's just my natural charm~! ;D

UL!Papyrus: Pshhh, shut it, Blue.

UL!Papyrus: Y'know...

UL!Papyrus: This whole thing is starting to sound like a new mini AU.

US!Sans: That's a great idea!! :0

US!Sans: But what should we call it?

UL!Papyrus: How about 4thtale?

UL!Papyrus: Since, y'know, all you ever do is break the now-demolished 4th wall.

US!Sans: I like that, actually!!

US!Sans: I declare myself as the new main character of 4thtale! Mweh heh!!

UL!Papyrus: Aw, you're starting to sound kinda like your old, innocent self again, sugar~

US!Sans: Good, so my facade is working and is at least fairly believeable. Also, shut up.

US!Sans: You can be my sidekick!

UL!Papyrus: What? I've always thought of myself as the more dominant one, heh.

US!Sans: Not this time, mister! It's my turn to take charge, so get ready! The Mischievous Blue and his partner in 4thtale crime are coming through!

UL!Papyrus: Our slogan can be "We'll smash you like we smash the 4th wall~."

US!Sans: NO

US!Sans: The next chapter of this book should be uploaded around 4:43 P.M. Central Time on Tuesday, May 3rd. That's approximately 1 day, 19 hours, and 13 minutes from now. Whether or not it relates to this stupid Kinker series is so far undetermined. Even if it is, though, that should be plenty of time for us to think things over and plan our next act of revenge.

UL!Papyrus: Wait, are you REALLY this mad over some dumb party UT! held?

US!Sans: Not necessarily. This is pretty fun, though, and the commenters seem to be enjoying it.

US!Sans: So it's settled. 4thtale is now a thing. I've already got an idea for our next attack, mweh heh..!

US!Sans: Get ready, readers, because this is going to be FUN.



Honestly the whole thing is dumb and a joke but knowing you guys you'll probably already be typing up theories and headcannons and drawing fanart while I scream slowly in the distance.

So, uh, have fun. Expect more Mischievous Blue and Sinny Pap soon, because honestly, this is even more fun to write than 4 hour workout chapters.

If you don't get this "AU", it starts with that one chapter where Papyrus invites all of the other AU Papyri to some picnic thing and end up banning US!Sans and UL!Papyrus. It p much consists of nothing but Blue and Pap causing a lot of trouble and Blue breaking the 4th wall like crazy but honestly that sounds awesome to me so I'm happy.

Move over Team Rocket, there's a new power duo in town.

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