Chapter 3: Jealous

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Specs didn't know how long he had been sitting on the bed opposite Crutchie but the boy was soon asleep, Specs watched his chest rise and fall peacefully despite the purpling bruises that had bloomed on his face. He was drawn to Crutchie's lips, his perfect lips. The cut on his lip had almost disappeared from the day before and his lips looked perfect and untouched, despite the horrific bruising everywhere else. Before he knew it he was leaning forward, his hand softly caressing Crutchie's face, tilting it towards his. The boy's face felt slightly feverish, giving his cheeks a pink tinge.

The door swung open and Jack bounded into the room, his hair sticking to his face from all the sweat. Crutchie's eyes opened wide as the door slammed against the wall. Specs jolted back, pulling his face away from Crutchie's as Jack's face fell from a look of excitement to pure rage. Jack didn't get angry that often but when he did it was like the gates of hell had opened up and Specs could practically see the fire and hatred in his eyes.

Specs jumped off of the bed and started to back out of the room but before he could make it out Jack grabbed him by the shirt and shoved him against the wall. Crutchie had propped himself up on his elbows.

"Jack? Wha-" Crutchie exclaimed. Jack ignored him and pushed the door open and pulled Specs into the next room.

"Jack, what are you doing?" Specs said breathlessly as Jack pinned him against the wall, a sharp piece of wood digging into his back. Jack's eyes were dark with anger.

"You don't touch him. Ya hear me?" Jack snarled, pushing Specs against the wall. He wriggled out of Jack's grasp, catching his breath.

"Jack, I'm sorry I didn't realise that you two were..." The unspoken words hung in the air: A couple. Jack looked like someone had slapped him the in face.

"No, what? No, we're not." Jack stuttered over his words, stepping back. Specs had never seen their fearless leader so shook up, "He's not well. Can't you see that? It's wrong to be taking advantage of him, when he's like that." Jack's face was a mixture of hatred and disgust.

"Jack, I'm sorr-"

"Just go."

Jack watched as Specs turned and headed out. He rested his head in his hands and ruffled his hair, catching his breath. Specs couldn't have thought the he and Crutchie were together, right? They had tried so hard to keep it under wraps, all the hiding in alleys. They made sure that they never held hands or were intimate in front of the rest of the boys. Specs wouldn't tell anyone, would he? Who knows what they would do with that information, that Jack Kelly the leader of the Manhattan newsies was a faggot. Jack didn't even want to think about what would happen if Brooklyn got wind of it. Jack was so deep in thought that he didn't hear the light thump of a crutch on the wooden floor.

"Jack? Are you alright?" Jack looked up to see Crutchie's worried face peering up at him. He pressed his lips to the boys' cheek, wiping the worried look off his face.

"I'm alright. Did he try do anything to you?" Jack's faced changed suddenly remembering the incident. Crutchie chuckled slightly.

"Calm down Jack, he just tried to kiss me that's all." Crutchie replied. Jack suddenly moved into action and scooped Crutchie up, the smaller boy let out and indignant squeak.

"You shouldn't be out of bed." Jack mumbled, his face pressed against Crutchie's shoulder. Crutchie had wrapped his arms around Jack in a desperate attempt not to fall and was clinging to him.

"Jaack!" Crutchie cried, "I told you not to do that! I can walk on my own." Jack softly put him back down onto his bed.

"You don't get to make that decision when you're unwell." Jack stated, sitting on the bed parallel to Crutchie's. Crutchie rearranged himself on the bed, propping the pillows up and sitting upright. Jack stared at the ground, losing himself in his thoughts again.

"Jack?" Crutchie said softly, pulling him out of his thought. The boy gestured to the spare space of bed beside him and Jack willingly moved and sat next to him. The smaller boy smiled softly and rested his head on Jack's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Crutchie asked in a soft voice, holding Jack's hand so he couldn't bite his nails like he always did when he was stressed out.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." Jack smiled half-heartedly and kissed Crutchie's hand. Crutchie didn't look convinced.

"C'mon, tell me. I know it's eating at you." Jack didn't look at Crutchie.

"I think Specs knows about us." He admitted, after a moment of hesitation. "I told him we weren't, but I don't think he believed me." Crutchie looked confused.

"Yeah, and?"

"Crutch, this could ruin me if anyone gets wind that Jack Kelly is a queer things could get bad, I wouldn't be able to keep you safe. What if Brooklyn hea-" Crutchie squeezed Jack's hand comfortingly.

"Do you really think Specs would do that?" Crutchie said softly, trying to calm Jack down.

"Yeah, okay that's true. Poor kid's a queer too, should probably make sure he's keeping hidden, specially with them Delancey brothers going out on queer bashings every other day" Jack relaxed against the back of the bed. Crutchie's head was resting against his chest.

"Hey, why are you back so early? Aren't all the boys at Jacobi's?" Crutchie questioned, twisting his head to look at Jack. But the taller boy just smiled down at him.

"And miss all this time with you? Hell no." Jack placed a tender kiss on the top of Crutchie's head, his wavy locks tickling his lips. Blush crept across Crutchie's face, rendering Jack helpless. Soft rays of light were streaming through a window and illuminated Crutchie's face. He looked so young and full of joy; Jack was just itching for a piece of charcoal or something to make sure he remembered this moment forever.


Guess who's back? yes it's me hiiii sorry for never updating it's not you, it's me. Hope everyone's well. Vote and comment because I'm lonely and have no one to talk to which is why I write stories about adorable gays. 


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