Chapter 7: The Strike Carries on

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The sun was up, and for once life didn't seem as busy as usual, it seemed as if the world had come to a stop or at least the world for the newsies definitely had. The boys were all scattered around Newsies Square, some lying on the statue of Horace Greeley, others just straight up lying on the ground, and some making bets with Race in the shade. There were a fair few walking around the square, carrying signs with the words Strike! And Down with Pulitzer! Morale was definitely low, however. Crutchie made his way over to Jack and tapped him on the shoulder; Jack just waved him away because he was talking to David. David was just so important now, Davey who had the idea to strike, Davey who had his own family, his own place who didn't need to stay at the lodging house like the rest of the boys. Of course, Jack was talking to Davey why should he have time for Crutchie? Crutchie lowered himself to the ground, leaning against Horace. He savoured the small bit of shade the statue provided.

"You okay Crutch?" A voice came from above. Crutchie looked up, squinting against the harsh sun streaming into his eyes. He saw the dark silhouette of Jack.

"I'm okay Jack." Crutchie replied in a small voice, his leg had been bothering him a little more than usual but he didn't need to bother Jack with that, he was too busy running his strike with David. Jack flashed him a grin and ran off into the crowd of lounging newsboys, how could Crutchie stay angry with that face.

"Listen up everyone!" Came a voice, Jack's voice. "Are we just going to sit here and do nothing or are we going to Strike?!" Jacks triumphant voice rang through the air but was met with mostly silence until a small voice called out in echo.

"STRIKE!" Davey immediately pulled his brother to him telling him to be quiet.

"Well, you heard the boy!" Hollered Jack as he jumped down off the ledge he had been precariously balancing on and ran straight towards the distribution center followed by a hoard of Newsies. Crutchie got to his feet and ran as fast as he could with all the other boys, pain shot up his leg but for a moment it didn't matter as he chased the other boys into the distribution center.

Suddenly there was movement everywhere, kids were climbing up the gates, and tomatoes were being chucked at windows. Every boy had his own makeshift weapon, be it a slingshot, a plank of wood, or his own fists. There were jubilant shouts everywhere as someone hit Morris square in the face with a tomato, Jack had Weasel by his greasy necktie and was pulling him out of the window. Jack shoved Weasel backward making sure his head smacked against the window.

"They can't just ignore us now!" Yelled Jack over the noise. There was a small moment of peace as the boys celebrated their victory as the Delancey brothers ran away like kicked puppies with their tails between their legs. Crutchie watched as Jack wrapped an arm around the visibly uncomfortable David, Crutchie was suddenly very aware of the pain radiating from his leg and feeling as if someone had just knocked all the air out of his lungs. Suddenly a cry was heard from outside the center.

"Beat it! IT'S THE BULLS" There was chaos everywhere. Everyone started scrambling, as a band of officers and scabs rounded the corner with the two cowardly Delancey brothers suddenly looked confident behind this group of angry men. The newsies were not delusional, one look at the group and they turned as ran as fast as they could, their protest was good but nothing was worth going to the refuge for. Crutchie started hobbling as fast he could but with his bum leg and all the other boys pushing past him to get out he soon lost his footing and his head collided with the paving stones. He looked up and his eyes met Jacks as he scrambled for his crutch to get back up. In the distance Crutchie could hear Jack yelling his name as he turned around, his crutch was snatched from underneath him, he put his hands out in front to stop him but it was no use his body collided with the rough stone and he felt a strong arm grab him and drag him away from the rest of the boys.

"It's off to the refuge for you. little man." Crutchie could barely see because of his pain, white dots spotted the edged of his vision but he caught a glimpse of Jack fighting the grip of Specs calling out his name before he lost consciousness.


How are we doing guys?? It's been a little while!

I'm so sorry for taking actually forever to update I always have trouble writing chapters with actual plot content and not just cute gay stuff so I hope you like this chapter! Tell me if there's anything you'd like. I think I want to do some more chapters on Specs and Romeo and I also have a slight idea of what I want to do with Davey. If you guys haven't figured out this version is sorta a cross between the show and the movie mostly because I suck at remembering which is which :P I was also thinking if you guys wanted it I might start a newsies one-shot story so tell me what you think!

Hope you're all having a great holiday! 
Tell me what you're up to this Christmas! (Or hanukkah) Okay so I googled it Hanukkah ends today
Happy holidays! 

Comment please, I'm lonely
Love me...

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