Chapter 6: Sixty Cents a Hundred

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The sun slowly rose over the streets of New York City, bathing it in a soft orange glow. Crutchie stood at the edge of the lodging house roof, gazing out at the city. He wished he had Jack's artistic talent, or at least some way to save a picture of this view forever. Crutchie turned to look at him. Jack's chest rose softly, his hair almost glowing in the light. Crutchie slowly made his way to the unsteady ladder at the edge of the roof. His leg had been feeling worse than usual, a sharp pain spreading through it as he walked. Crutchie bit his lip as he slowly sat on the edge of the roof, his crutch tucked under his arm.

"Crutchie?" Came a quiet voice. Jack was propped up on his elbows, his eyes barely open.

"Go back to sleep, Jack." Crutchie soothed.

"What are you doing? The bell ain't even rung yet. Get back to bed." Jack mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Crutchie looked down at his feet.

"I wanna beat the other fellas to the streets, I don't want anyone to see I ain't been walking so good." He muttered, the words were like a knife in Jack's chest. He got up and shuffled over, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Do ya know how many guys fake a limp for sympathy? That bum leg of yours is a goldmine." Jack claimed, as Crutchie shrugged off his hand.

"Someone gets the idea that I can't make it on my own they'll lock me up in the refuge, for good!" Jack opened his mouth to reply but Crutchie cut him off. "Be a pal, Jack, help me down." Crutchie placed his foot on the metal rung of the ladder, slowly lowering himself down. Suddenly his foot slipped off the ladder, slick with melting frost. He let out a yell, his hands hurriedly clutching at anything he could. He felt strong arms wrap around him and pull him back onto the roof. Crutchie wrapped his arms around Jack; he could hear Jack's heart beating overtime in his chest. Jack clutched onto him tightly, afraid to let go. Crutchie rested on his chest closing his eyes in shock.

"Don't you ever do that again." Jack said breathlessly, resting his head on Crutchie's. "You almost gave me a heart attack." Crutchie tilted Jack's head down and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I'll come back to bed next time." Crutchie reassured him, softly stroking Jack's hair.



The boys made their way to the distribution centre. Specs was sporting a black eye that was a pleasant shade of purple. They stood crowded around, waiting for the headline. Crutchie was leaning against Jack, trying to get a moment more of sleep.

"A new kid ey?" Came a voice from the back of the pack. Jack snapped to attention, gently nudging Crutchie who groaned slightly but started leaning on Blink instead. Jack made his way to the back of the group and noticed a dark haired boy face to face with Morris Delancey.

"C'mon Morris, nothing concerns you here." Jack commanded, the boy behind Morris was getting paler by the second.

"You ain't the boss of me, Kelly." Morris spat, he stepped to the side and Jack could see a little kid glaring angrily up at Morris.

"Pick on someone your own size for once." Jack snarled. He shoved Morris with his shoulder and stood in front of the two boys. Morris spat at Jack's feet and turned to find his brother. Jack turned to the two boys.

"You okay?" Jack asked placing a hand on the older boy's arm who promptly shrugged it off and pulled the younger boy closer to him.

"We're fine. Thank you." He replied, the colour returning to his face. Jack turned his attention to the younger boy; he crouched in front of him.

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