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I woke up feeling like a truck has hit me, I laid there listening to everything around me, what I didn't expect was to hear my grandparents, why are they here? I don't understand, I need to get out of here, I need to get back to the kids I've had enough of school for one day. I moved and groaned in pain, I sat up and realized there where a heap of people in the room, there was Tyler, Lily , Tristan, a women with blue eyes and short brown hair and last but not lease my grandparents. I jumped off the bed terrified of them. 

What are they going to do to me? 

Nothing Tyler won't let anything happen to you he's our mate. My wolf said 

How many times do I have to tell you we don't have a bloody mate and I don't want one? I snapped 

But he is Destin for us Kisa he would never hurt us, why won't you give him a chance. She growled at me. 

I will not let myself be hurt or you for that matter, our parents who were meant to love us hurt us so did our pack; I will not be hurt again or let myself even try. I growled at her. She went quite after that. I looked around me to try and find a way out of here I noticed the window was open. I stopped when I heard my grandma's voice. 

"Kisa honey; please stay we have a lot to talk about" she said, I backed away more from them. 

"Cupcake why didn't you tell us about your father we would have taken you from him, you never would have had to put up with it if you told us sweetheart we would have helped you" My grandfather said with sadness. I looked at him shocked tears fell down my cheeks. The next thing I bolted out of the window. And took off towards the woods I needed to get away from them all of them, I don't think I'll go to school tomorrow, or for the next few days. 

Mummy where are you? Asked a small voice of Tommy. 

Not too far away baby mummy was a bit busy, what's wrong? 

There are rouges walking around near the cave but the wolves won't let them come near us, but where scared we want you and Tammy is nearly crying , Charlie is crying, so is Chard, Chris and Misty I'm trying to calm them down, and Damien is standing near the entrance of the cave keeping watch of the rouges. Mummies hurry and get back here. 

I'm almost their baby, just stay hidden for me please. 

We are mummy but were all scared. 

I'm near the cave now baby mummy has to go so I can deal with the rouges, tell the other no matter what don't leave the safety of the wolves and tell Damien to get back to you and the others.

I was running really fast thanks to all the training my grandfather gave me I made it to the cave in no time. I moved around unseen to see how many of them there where. There was about six of them so I knew there was going to be no trouble in killing them. I shifted into my wolf and snuck up behind one of them and killed him before he had a chance to make a sound. I turned to the other and pounced on him ripping his throat out, I spun around and pounced again but before I killed him he let the others know there was an enemy wolf among them, the other three spun around and shifted and went at me all at once, I dodged two of the wolves and tackled the third to the ground ripping his throat out, I turned around just in time to get tackled to the ground with jaws snapping at my throat, I brought up my hind legs and kicked him off me, he flew off and hit a tree, I jumped up and tackled the last wolf to the ground and bit into his neck, I could taste blood in my mouth and nearly gagged it was horror able it tasted like rotten flesh mixed with ash. I clamped my jaws down killing him like the rest I threw him aside and turned around to the last one but he was gone, I sniffed the air and couldn't smell him anywhere. 

Guys mummy is just going to clean up and I'll be back ok... stay in the cave all of you. 

Ok mummy sees you soon. 

I ran to the stream and jumped in and shifted back to my human form I washed the blood off me I didn't realize it was in my hair as well, I dunked myself under the water and washed it out. Once I knew I was clean I shifted back to my wolf and ran to the cave, one in there I went to my part of the cave and shifted and changed into some clothes. Once I had clothes on all of the kids surrounded me in hugs. 

Are all of you alright? 

Yes mummy. I heard all at once. I smiled at them and started getting dinner ready it wasn't much. Then I realize I didn't do any shopping today. 

How about we head into town for dinner tonight? I forgot to do shopping I'm sorry guys I'm a terrible mother to you all.  

Mum you're not terrible you had a lot of stuff on your mind. 

Thanks Damien, ok everyone get dress in your best clothes we're leaving in 10 minutes. 

Ok. Is all I heard, I walked around and helped the younger ones with their shoes; the three youngest where triplets two boys and one girl they are all four years old, the other three are meant to be in school but they don't want to go yet they are too afraid someone will hurt them. Once they were all ready we headed off into the town. 

I wonder what will happen. 

I don't know but I have a feeling we will be seeing our mate. My wolf said  

I know I should have asked this age ago, but do you have a name? I asked her. 

Yes I do dear, my name is Anita. 

Anita why do you want me to be with Tyler so bad, I know he is our mate and all; but aren't you afraid he might hit us? And what will you do once he see's us with six kids that call us mummy? What will you do if he tries to hurt one of them? Will you protect them? Or let them get hurt? I asked her. 

Because I know he won't hurt us Kisa, his wolf loves us already; he might get angry when he see's us with the kids and maybe he might try to hurt them but we will protect them they are my pups not by blood, but I love each and every one of them like my own. Does that answer your questions? She asked  

Yes it does, thanks Anita

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