Kisa Meets Lily

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I was walking the halls to the music room once I got there the teacher was just starting the lession, I walked over to her and showed her the note pad saying I was new. She nodded her head and asked what I can play. When I told her piano she seemed shocked and asked me to play something for her. When I said I'll play something that my grandma used to sing to me she seemed like she was about to cry. I started playing the lullaby with so much emotion in it when I finished the whole class was crying.  

"Kisa that was beautiful, if you ever want to play in your spear time the room is always unlocked ok" the teacher said. I just nodded my head. She went back to teaching the class; I sat in a seat next to a girl lily I think her name was. 

"Hey Kisa how is your first day?" she asked. 

It's going good thanks lily right?  

"Yeah it is, just to let you know there are new members to the pack; they came to today there from silver moon, I thought I would tell you seems as you're really jumpy at the moment" she said with a smile on her face. I froze in the seat no they couldn't be here. I suddenly didn't feel really well. 

"Hey are you ok you seem like you're going to faint?" she asked. 

I don't feel very well  

I knew lack of eating was going to catch up with me sooner or later; I haven't eaten in nearly a week, I've always made sure that the kids eat before I do.  

"Miss Winters Kisa isn't feeling very well, can I take her to the nurse?" lily called out. 

"Yeah sure, come right back ok" 

Lily pulled me up from the seat I took three steps then darkness took over. 

Lily P.O.V 

I was out the front with everyone when my brother Tristan come out of the school with the rest of the gang I noticed there was a girl she had long silver hair from what I could tell she was beautiful. Tristan said her name is Kisa, that's a beautiful name she wouldn't look at any of us it's like she's scared she'll get hurt. Before I knew it Stephanie the stupid bitch throw her off her feet that is going to be pain full she'll land on her back, but I was shocked before she hit the ground she flipped and landed on her feet. I couldn't believe it when I looked at her I seen that her eyes were a violet purple; she stood up and walked away. But I got a glance at her eyes there full with pain and loneness like she knew that was going to happen. My wolf was going crazy like she needs to protect her I wonder if anyone else felt like that.  

"Ok Man Lily keep an eye on Kisa for me please I have a bad feeling about today" Tyler's voice suddenly come into my head. How long have I zoned out? 

"Yes Alpha I'll do that she's really sweet and I wouldn't mind becoming her friend by the looks of it she could use a friend" I answered and walked away.  

I walked to P.E and was surprised to see Kisa there she was writing something to the teacher, he smiled he never smiles at anyone I wonder if he feels the way I do? I don't know why but there is something about her that I just can't figure out. We were spearing and she was pared up with Stephanie I couldn't believe it the teacher must of know she couldn't shift and yet pared her up with that stupid bitch I hate her. She thinks she's the only female in the pack that can shift but she wrong almost every female in this pack could shift there was at least ten of us that can shifted into wolves. There is nothing special about her but there is something special about Kisa but I don't know what. I was shocked to say the least when Kisa throw Stephanie across the oval and into a tree; I think everyone was to be honest. She walked away after looking at everyone; when I looked at her again her eyes where full of pain. She did look under the weather I wonder if she's alright, she looked really thin like she hasn't eaten properly in years. I walked off to music I got there before everyone I sat down and waited. When Miss Winters was just about to start the class the door open and in walked Kisa. She walked up to Miss Winter and must have showed her she was new. I heard her asked what she can play. Whatever she said the teacher was shocked. She started walking towards the piano and sat down and started playing something beautiful it had so many emotions in it. I swear everyone in the school could hear it.  

"Lily? Who is that playing?" Tyler asked. 

"It's Kisa, she's playing the piano can you hear it from the other side of the school" I asked 

"Yeah Dom said it sounds like a lullaby his grandma use to play the only person to ever learn to how to play it was his older sister that is meant to be dead. Tell her about the sliver moon pack joining with us and tell me how she takes it ok. She's hiding something from us and I do not like it" he said 

"Ok Alpha I'll let you know what happens" I said.

"Hey Kisa how is your first day?" I asked. 

It's going good thanks lily right? She wrote 

"Yeah it is, just to let you know there are new members to the pack; they came to today there from silver moon, I thought I would tell you seems as you're really jumpy at the moment" I said with a smile on my face. I watched her freeze in place then turn white  

"Hey are you ok you seem like you're going to faint?" I asked getting worried 

I don't feel very well  

"Miss Winters Kisa isn't feeling very well, can I take her to the nurse?" I called out. 

"Yeah sure, come right back ok" 

I pulled Kisa up from the seat and started towards the door; she took three steps then clapped to the ground.  

"Tristan, Tyler meets me at the nurses office, Kisa clapped in class, and she feels very thin" I said. 

"What happen?" they both damned  

"I told her about the sliver moon pack like you told me to Alpha and she turned white as a sheet and told me she wasn't feeling well so I asked Miss Winter if I could take her to the nurse, we got up she took three steps and clapped to the floor" I said in a worried tone. 

"We'll meet you there, hurry though we don't know what's wrong with her" Tyler said. 

"Yes Alpha" I answered.  

I picked Kisa up, she weighed nothing at all, I took off out the door to the nurse's office when I got there Tyler and Tristan where waiting I walked into the room to see Miss Rose good thing she's a werewolf or this would be hard to explain, she looked up shocked. 

"Put her on the bed, what happen?" she asked. 

"I was talking to her, and told her about the sliver moon pack joining us she turned white; when I asked her if she was ok she told me she wasn't feeling well, I asked Miss Winters if I could bring her here. She took three steps and clapped to the ground she's really thin, when I picked her up she felt like nothing" I answered.  

"Ok let's take a look, boys turn around I have to lift her shirt up to see what I can fine" she said. I see them turn around as I watch her check out Kisa, she lifted up her shirt and cursed, I grasped my hand flew over my mouth. 

"How is she even alive? She's skin and bones; not even humans can live this long looking like this" she whispered. Tyler turned around and growled his eyes going black with anger. 

"Who did this to her" he snarled. 

"Alpha I don't know all I can say is that she's been like this most of her life, by the looks of it she was beating too up until six months ago, all of these wounds on her body are six months old some are older" she answered with a soft tone. 

"Alpha is this young lady your mate?" she asked.

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