Six Months Later

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Back to Kisa's pov six months later

I woke up in that small cave, that I have been shearing with wild wolves they took me in I haven't really left the cave unless it was for a bath in the stream or help them hunt in my wolf form, I have been here for six months and over those six months and have adopted some young wolf clubs their families where killed and I found them wondering around looking lost, my wolf told me if I gave them my blood I could talk to them so I did and now I have my own min pack they love me they call me mummy, I buy them things when there good I didn't realize I stole over 10 million dollars from my father he'll think it was the rouge. I stretch my arms and legs I walked out of the cave and noticed a small town was busy coming to life, it was about 4kms from the forest I realize I needed to get some more stuff for the kids, I walked back in and grabbed some clothes and walked out to the stream not far and bathed and put on fresh clothes and walked into the small town I walked past a school and noticed people staring at me. 

'Maybe you should enroll into the school 'my wolf said  

'But what if there like everyone else and what about the kids' I said with a small voice.  

'You need to other whiles people with think something is up and the kids will be fine there too young for school all you have to do is tell them to stay in the cave and don't go out, and asked the other wolves to look after them for you' 

'Fine I'll go and enroll' I said. I let a sigh expect my lips as I made my way to the school , there were people everywhere in there I walked up the stairs and into the school towards what I hope is the office I opened the door and walked in and went to the front desk where a lady sat behind a computer. She looked up with a friendly smile. 

"What can I do for you sweetie" she asked. I sniffed the air and realize she was a werewolf I looked around for something to write on when I found a pen I looked at her and she gave me a piece of paper.  

I would like to enroll please  

When I showed her the paper she smiled again and handed me some forms to fill out, I looked at them and back at her. 

Sorry to bother you but can you help me with this? I wrote again on the paper. 

"Sure thing sweetie what's your first name?" she asked 

My name is Kisa Water I'm 18 and not long moved here I don't have any parents they die when I was young, I got away from some really bad foster parents so please don't asked me for more information, I'm hiding from them. I wrote and showed her. Her eyes went wide for a second then went back to normal. 

"Honey your secret is safe with me if anyone comes in and asks about you I'll tell them we don't know you ok" she said in a sweet tone. 

"What subjects would you like to do?" she asked  

Math, English, Art, PE, Music.  

"Ok sweetie do you want to start today?" 

I don't have any money to get my school books yet 

"That's fine sweetie, I'll get them for you" 

Are you sure? I mean you don't have to 

"I want too sweetie you've had enough done to you so far, beside you need a friend" 

Thank you  

"You're welcome sweetie I'll call my son in here to help show you around ok, don't worry he won't hurt you I promise, there is still an hour until school starts when you get back here I'll have your books for you and your timetable"  

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