Cats Outta The Bag

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The next few months where a blur, before I knew it I had been at the pack house for six months and I manage to keep me being a wolf a secret from Tyler and the rest of the pack, but for some reason today I had a bad feeling. Something going to go on and Tyler is going to keep me out of it or try.

I was in music class when I felt fear but I knew it wasn’t mine it was Chard’s, and the rest of the kids.

Guys what’s going on are yous alright? Answer me!  I yelled through the link I had with them.

Rouges there near the pack house Tyler and everyone are trying to protect all of us still in the house they came out of nowhere, mummy I want you here  I’m on my way baby.  I said, I stood up in class and ran out the door, I ran down the halls of the school trying to get to the front doors as fast as I could. Along the way I could hear people yelling out to me telling me to stop. Once I hit the front door I sprinted to the pack house I was the fastest in the pack in human form, I knew they wouldn’t be able to catch me; I ran through the woods to the pack house when I came out of the trees I seen a rouge with Chard in his arms I looked around and seen a lot of people injured nearly everyone was expect the ones Tyler made stay at the school to keep me away. My wolf snarled in my head and a growl escaped my lips loud enough for everyone to hear, every head turned to me in surprise. My wolf took over she seen one of our pups in trouble.

“Unhand my son now!” she/we snarled out. Tyler looked pure shocked.

“You’re the one I’ve been looking for, you killed my brothers” he said pulling a knife from his pocket and holding it against Chard’s throat.

“You want me come and get me you filthy rouge” she/ we said walking towards him.

“Come and closer and I’ll kill the boy, anyway what better way to get back at you then kill one of your precious kids” he said with a sick smile on his lips. We ran at him with speed no one has ever seen before, in a blink of an eye we shifted in a wolf form and snapped his neck before he could hurt Chard. We shifted back to human form with our clothes still on. I pulled Chard closer to me, my wolf still in control.

“It’s alright little one, no one is ever going to hurt you again your mother and I will see to it” we whispered to him.

“Kisa what the hell is going on, I thought you couldn’t shift” Tyler said kinda angry.

“I’m not Kisa I’m her wolf Anita, we have been able to shift since we were four, we never told anyone because the moon goddess told us not to, this is the first time she has lost control we seen our pup in trouble and I took over” she said with a small smile.

“So you can talk why did you stop?” Lily asked.

“I made a deal with my father, if he didn’t hurt my siblings I wouldn’t talk and he could beat me as much as he wanted, but that wasn’t enough he ordered the pack to beat me as well and still hit my siblings. When I found out I knew the only way for him to stop was to fake my death so he felt free of me because he thought I couldn’t shift. I seen him beat my mother then when he seen me watching him he beat me up as well I ran into the woods and shifted for the first time. Then the moon goddess came to me and told me I was a special wolf one that was needed for a war that was to come, she told me I would be faster and stronger than any normal wolf and that I had to make sure no one knew I could shift because they would want me for their own personal gain.” I said with an angelic voice. My voice cracked a bit because I haven’t used it in so long.

I looked at all the people around me and noticed most of them stared at me in shocked, I looked for my brother and sister and found them with all the other kids around them. Beth’s face was priceless; it was a look of guilt, sadness and fear. All traces of hate were gone from her face. The same with everyone from my old pack, they all thought I hated them for what they did to me but I didn’t.

“I don’t hate anyone for what they had to do, I know my father ruled his pack by fear, and also know that he was an idiot, and threaten most of your families if you didn’t do what he said. Beth I know you hate me sister but I don’t hate you I never have the same goes for you Dom as much as our father was a bad Alpha I still love both of you I understand if you still hate me, but I did what I did to try and protect you both from him it was bad enough he was beating mother and me I didn’t want him beating you too, but now I know he did it anyway and I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you from him” I said staring at them. I notice both of them had tears in their eyes. Beth ran at me and throws her arms around me crying.

“I’m sorry I was jealous of you, you looked beautiful every day even when father beat you or I did. I’m so sorry sister I understand now, father told us about the deal the day after you left and Dom went mental at him I just stood there I didn’t know what to do or say I grow up to hate you then to fine out you did all of this to protect us” she said sobbing.

“Its ok sister I love you no matter what, but you better tell the rouge mate of yours if he attacks this pack again I will kill every last one that is following him” I whispered in her ear. I felt her freeze in my arms.

“How did you know about him” she whispered back.

“I don’t sleep Beth, I seen you sneak off last night and I followed you. Tell him if he hurts anyone in this pack again I will kill all he holds dear and you will become exiled” I whispered again while moving back. She shook her head that she understood.  but I could tell she was scared of losing her mate.

there you have it she finely speaks!!! 

hope you all like it sorry I haven't updated in a while. but I seem to be on a roll with this story lol three updates in one day lol anyway vote and comment tell me what you think!

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