With power comes sacrifices

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I was in darkness. I couldn't remember what happen to me. all I remember is healing my grandma then nothing.As I walked around in the black abyss I could see everything that's happen in my life. it was like a movie playing around me. I started to see a white light I ran towards it, once I touched it everything around me changed I was in a beautiful meadow the flowers were beautiful. I looked around but couldn't see anyone.

"where am I?" I whispered to myself.

"hello kisa" said a voice of a women. I spun around to see the moon godess looking as beautiful as the last time I seen her.

"where am I? why am I here?" I asked her.

"there are ups and downs to your powers my child,the healing power you used to heal your grandmother and the pack come at a price" she answered.

"what do you mean they come at a price you told me I could use them to heal, I know I brought my grandmother back from the dead but she's needed in the pack" I answered.

"the more you use your healing poweres the closer you come to death, your soul is now bound to your grandmother and Eric, you brought them back to life, you now have the poison running through you, but it won't kill you, kisa you can't bring back anymore people or you will end up dying" she answered.

"I'm sorry my lady but if I can make a difference in helping people with my powers I will use them, I know I have control over water,earth, fire and air. I know I'm here for a battle that is to come but I will not let ,anyone in my pack die, if I die so be it" I said looking at her.

"very well if that is your wish, I will give you a gift of my own" she said and started walking towards me.

"I will give you the gift of immortality, I will give it to your mate his father cause his soul is bounded to yours, your children and your grandparents"she said kissing my forehead. I stood there shocked I can't believe she did that.

"what's the catch?" I asked a bit worried.

"you have to mate with Tyler by the next full moon, and I will be sending some fighter to your pack. in the group is your sisters mate as well as your brother's. they will be on the territory line in two nights, you have to let them in the pack they will have information about the up coming war. you best wake up now your family is getting worried" she said as she faded away.

I felt myself waking up my body was stiff like I haven't moved in weeks. I opened my eyes a blinding light hit them I blinked a few times until I could see properly. I looked around and realised I was in the hospital ward in the pack house. I looked to the left to see I was hooked up to some heart machine. a groan left my lips are I pulled myself up into a sitting position.

how long was I out? I thought to myself.

two weeks, glad your ok kisa. Eric voice came into my head. I jumped the heart monter started to beep really loud. soon the door slammed open making me jump again I looked up to see Tyler and the kids standing at the door.

"MUMMY!!!" the kids screamed running to me. the all climed all the bed. I hugged them to me.

"my babbies" I whispered to them and kissing all of them. I looked up at Tyler and smiled he walked into the room he came to the bed and pulled me into a kiss. if felt wonderful I could feel the sparks between us. it was the first time he has kissed me. and it felt wonderful. when he pulled away I could see tears in his eyes.

"don't ever scare me like that again, kisa I thought I lost you" he whispered.

"We have a lot to talk about Tyler" I said with a small smile on my lips.

"Yes I believe we do little mate"he said kissing me again. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss.

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