Part 53

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I'm clueless about what to write about...

I feel like I'm sitting at the bottom of the ocean,
watching you from below dance like the waves crashing against the shore,

I yearn to hear your voice,
To see your face crinkle into a smile when I stare into your star struck eyes,

How does one with so much light and energy take the time to stare into my clouded pupils filled with no hope,

You play me like a grand piano,

Gliding your fingers along the keys stroking them to perfection to hear the sounds you make turn into a chorus of beauty,

A human metronome, your heart, A steady stream of love that never goes to fast or slow enough to fall behind,

Never reading the notes wrong to strike pain or suffering into whom you've captured of intrest

Don't play me like Mozart and bring the deafening silence forth

Play me like Chopin and say your emotions through the sounds of your chords that you strike only to baffle the to awe

For they have only heard the notes the who've written down lies onto
Blank paper...

Not the faded echos of the of truth trying it's best to be heard by the captivated audience
Who sit in silence holding there breathe until they cannot accept
the fact that we are in love and who we choose to be and change the notes written down to create something new...

Do you understand how much I love you now?

And will you continue playing me, Or will you create a new page and start from the beginning...

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