Part 110

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Maybe it was the day you left.

I lost myself.

No longer wanting to remember

The way we danced

Into the night,

Our hearts acting as one

Our hands held tight.

Maybe that's why tonight

The rain felt colder against my skin

Maybe that's why my feelings

Feel numbed by the memory

I thought you belonged in.

I don't know...Maybe I'm crazy

For believing you loved me...

The way I loved you.

Maybe I'm stupid for hoping...

You would be mine.

And I would be yours.

Maybe I just miss the way

My sheets contoured your body

And the way your hair fell

Gracefully against your face

The way your embrace

The warmth of its presence.

Your scent...

Sticks to my senses like an

Invisible mist.

Now I know I must move on


I can still hear your voice..

So clearly as if it weren't all a dream.

Everyone I close my eyes.

I can still see you...

Even if it's for a second.


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