Part 75

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We walk past everyone else like a ghost.
Drifting past there glaring eyes that carry such hate.
We turn to our blades
That we call
There tongues are sharp and bite into our wrists.
The silence consumes our brains
And turning us into shadows.
We cause disasters
In people's lives.
We wish everyday that we never lived.
And that horrific moment
When finally someone comes in
Its like taking off your mask
That we've tried so hard to keep
Attached to our faces.
And not let anyone see
How much we've broken
We tell lies to protect each other
But really...
It's just creating more trust issues
Our chests feel like they swell,
Our hearts feel overwhelmed
And we just want to rip open
Our chests and breathe.
But all you hear is
"I'm fine (:"



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