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Arthur Kirkland is making Scones.
22 minutes ago

Uh... So, I made scones. Does anyone want to come over?
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Francis Bonnefoy: Ohonhonhon! What kind of joke is this eyebrows?!

Arthur Kirkland: Shut up you bloody frog face! It is British Cuisine!

Francis Bonnefoy: CUISINE?! Ohonhonhon! Blasphemy!

Alfred F. Jones: pfft. More like making poison!

Arthur Kirkland: You bloody git! You used to eat my scones!

Alfred F. Jones: °.° that was when I was still TASTELESS, loser!

Peter Kirkland: Sealand is not eating sh*t :p

Wang Yao: Aiyaaah, that is not edible aru.

Ivan Braginski: That's a lethal weapon da?

Arthur Kirkland: All of you. Each and everyone of you. I hate you.

Victoria Bonnefoy: I'll eat it.

Alfred F. Jones: °∆°

Wang Yao: °∆°

Ivan Braginski: ...

Francis Bonnefoy: Seychelles! No! I know you're tastless, but don't eat England's scones. Please!

Arthur Kirkland: Ha! Take that you bloody frog face! Now, come Seychelles, I'll give you as much scones as you like.

Alfred F. Jones: Come back alive seychelles...

Second update of the day! Hahahaha!

Happy Reading!

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