No Facebook

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Alfred F. Jones
4 minutes ago

Hey Yao, dude. I heard FB is banned in your country. How come you are still here?
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Wang Yao: It is not really banned aru. It's blocked. Anti-communist groups are spreading false rumors about my country and...some other reasons. I can still access it by using VPN aru. There are University students who are allowed to use it. Educated people are wise aru. They already know what rumors and are not rumors. I need to be here too. I need to be informed of the things happening in the world aru yo.

Arthur Kirkland: Yeah and it's all the fault of a "certain" country.

Ivan Braginski: Hmmm, I know  that feeling da. When people label you as evil.

Feliciano Vargas: China is not a bad person ve~ Just some misunderstanding here and there. But I'm pretty sure everything will be settled with pasta~

Ludwig Beilschmidt: There are other countries too who block social networking sites. It must be fear of information manipulation.

Kiku Honda: There is a country who BANS internet though...

Alfred F. Jones: Oh yah... That guy.

Im Yong Soo: you mean hyung?
Speaking if which... HE USED FB BEFORE!

Hyung Soo: This is only for investigation! I'm out.

Hyung Soo deleted his account

Im Young Soo: Hardcore man. Anyway! Japan! Say election :3

Kiku Honda: ...not again *sigh*

Wang Yao: *sigh* I'm glad my people can't see this side of Facebook aru -_-


2 chapters in one day!

Happy Reading Everyone!

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