Hot Chick

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Alfred F. Jones
43 minutes ago

Dudes, I saw a hot blonde chick earlier. Her hair was shoulder length and kind of like a valley girl. Didn't get to see her face properly though. I so wanna see her again.
•37 people like this

Manuel Antonio Sanchez: I saw that chick earlier too! Man, I wish I asked her number. So hawt! Didn't get to see her face properly too :(

Feliciano Vargas: Me too ve...I should've asked bella's her number...

Francis Bonnefoy: She must be French hon~♪

Arthur Kirkland: Like she'll talk to you bloody wankers.

Francis Bonmefoy: Anglaterre, you're just jelly cause you can't flirt ohonhonhon

Arthur Kirkland: Shut up you Frog

Elizaveta Hedervary: You guys serious?! Hot CHICK?! XD, hey Toris, check this out XD hot blonde valley girl they said!

Toris Lorinaitis: ...

Alfred F. Jones: What dude?!

Manuel Antonio Sanchez: don't tell me...

Feliciano Vargas: Are you dating bella ve?

Francis Bonnefoy: Lith, that can't be what I think it is right?

Toris Lorinaitis: IT WAS POLAND CROSSDRESSING! think you thought he was a girl... And even a HOT chick...

Manuel Antonio Sanchez: ...

Alfred F Jones: ...I feel betrayed...

Feliciano Vargas: I'm just going pasta ve... :'(

Francis Bonnefoy: Ahh, my hunch was right.

Arthur Kirkland: Serves you right gits.

Feliks Lukasiewicz: Like, I'm so fab, and it's like expected to be attracted to my fabulousness (√°w^√)~♥

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