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Francis Bonnefoy
40 minutes ago

I...just want to say something. Lately, I've been receiving messages from unknown people saying really mean things. I can brush it off if it's something similar to Anglaterre's insults like frogface or one of Alfred and Gil's "French fries" because we are just...kidding around. but you know, it really hurts when people call me a rapist. I've been receiving messages telling me that I'm a molester, dirty old man, and a rapist. That I raped Matthieu when he was still a child. I could never do those things... I could never do that to anyone. I am saying this because I just...want it to stop. Please stop it. It's not funny anymore...it was never funny to begin with. I am the country of love, I get all flirty because I just want people to feel that in some way, they are loved. I've seen victims of rape and how it affected their lives. I could never inflict that kind of pain to anyone. Those times I become flirty and perverted, I'm just kidding around and the people whom I kid around knows that...right? I'm asking all those people, whoever you are, to please just stop it. You don't know how much it hurts...
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Alfred F. Jones: We know you are just kidding Francis...Sorry if I ever said anything that offended you.

Francis Bonnefoy: you did nothing Alfred. Relax.

Arthur Kirkland: Listen, to all those scumbags that call Francis a rapist, I hope all of you go suck your asses you dimwits. You don't know anything about this frenchman here so don't go talking shit like you know one. I've known France for hundreds of years, and I can say that all those things people accuse him doing are bloody lies. I call him frog, he calls me eyebrows, but that's it. You call him rapist because of what? What is your basis? I respect Francis more than people think I do. He isn't a rapist, bloody wankers.

Francis Bonnefoy: Anglaterre.. I think I got something in my eye :')

Arthur Kirkland: Save that for later frog.

Francis Bonnefoy: Merci

Matthew Williams: How cruel... You took care of me well. I never once recalled you doing that to me... A lot of things happened back then but you'll always be the person who raised me up and took care of me. I am really greatful for that Francis.

Francis Bonnefoy: Merci Matthieu... I'm glad you think of me that way.

Feliciano Vargas: Veee...that's really sad... Big brother Francis is a good person. He will never do that. Please stop it :(

Kiku Honda: I'm very sorry to hear that France-san.

Elizaveta Hedervary: Yeah, Francis isn't a rapist. He gets perverted at times, but that's the extent of it. He never once harassed me. He just flirts and jokes around.

Antonio Fernandez Carriedo: What? This makes me really mad. Francis and I fought and became friends again and again. He might be really persistent sometimes but Francis is never the kind of person to do that. He is not a rapist. Por pabor, stop it.

Lovino Vargas: That idiota might have wanted me back then but He never molested me. Think before you speak.

Antonio Fernandez Carriedo: That's surprising coming from you Lovi

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Hey, that is soo not awesome to call Francis a rapist. I mean, ze dude iz flirty n all but at the end of the day, he just loves to see people feel loved and important. That's a really dick thing to say

Francis Bonnefoy: Thank you everyone...I feel a bit better now :)

Matthias Köhler: No one in the Nordic thinks of Francis like that. That's not a nice thing to say, right?

Berwald Oxensterna: Hn.

Tino Vainomoïnen: I know! Let's go to Mr. France's house and have a small get together. Is it okay with you Mr. France?

Francis Bonnefoy: Oui. I appreciate it everyone.

Almost all countries came to his house. Those who couldn't come messaged him through social net working sites.


I made this because I've been reading stories lately depicting france as a rapist. I really think that he is just flirty and that he could never do something like that. He even said that love shouldn't be forced. If you guys don't agree with me, then don't read this. I will depict France as flirty and perverted, but not as a rapist. If you ever see or read that somehow offended you, I'm sorry. France is just kidding with all his "we could do it if you want" or "in my pants"

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