Pocky Game

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Feliciano Vargas played The Pocky Game with Ludwig Beilschmidt
13 minutes ago

I had fun earlier! Grazie Japan for the pocky sticks ^.^ ve~
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Ludwig Beilschmidt: I had fun too... You were a good kisser Italy...

Gilbert Beilschmidt: You took so long to pull back west! You were kissing Italy so hard XD
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Feliciano Vargas:  >///< Grazie Germany... You were good too...

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ja... Danke Italy...

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Shut up bruder! You were kissing Canada so hard!

Matthew Williams: It's okay Germany... I enjoyed earlier too...so it's fine... :)

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Canada, Sorry for earlier. But if the kiss was awesome, then I guess it's all good?

Matthew Williams: yeah...

Francis Bonnefoy: Canada... *sobs* he violated you hon!

Matthew Williams: It's fine... Really...

Arthur Kirkland: You bloody frog face! You were the one who violated me! Even when I already pulled back, you grabbed my hand and pulled me to you.

Francis Bonnefoy: Then I wrapped my arms around your neck, as I kissed you roughly. I stopped, and you wanted for more. I gave you a hickey as a parting gift. Admit it Anglaterre, YOU LIKED IT! Ohonhonhonhon!

Arthur Kirkland: I did not!

Francis Bonnefoy: Ohonhonhon~ We did this before. Don't be so shy!

Arthur Kirkland: SHUT your mouth up frog face.

Francis Bonnefoy: Oui, I'll come over tomorrow.

Arthur Kirland: NO.

Francis Bonnefoy: I guess I'll just tell it to them.

Arthur Kirkland: Fuck you.

Francis Bonnefoy: Ohonhonhon~ nuh, I will be the one doing it Anglaterre ;)

Kiku Honda: You're welcome Italy-kun.

Alfred F. Jones: Japan, why did you suddenly pull away?

Kiku Honda: It was embarassing America-san...

Alfred F. Jones: ... I see... Ok dude...

Ivan Braginski: I really enjoyed da!

Alfred F. Jones: Dude! You almost raped China! You didn't even eat the pocky anymore.

Wang Yao: I am alright aru... I must admit though... I enjoyed it Russia...

Ivan Braginski: Kolkolkol, see America! I'm a lot better da!

Alfred F. Jones: China, you pedo. And, what did you say Russia? Hah! I am better! It's just that Japan was overwhelmed by me!

Wang Yao: I am not pedo aru!

Ivan Braginski: Keep talking da.

Alfred F. Jones: That's it. JAPAAAAAAAAAN!

Peter Kirkland: Ew, homos everywhere. -_-

Wendy Kirkland: YOU'RE NOT ONE TO TALK!


Ciao! Wendy Kirkland is Wy. Aaaaand next chapter will be the part 2 of this. You are free to comment 1-2 pairings you guys want to see on the next chapter

Byeeeee Happy Reading Everyone! *flies away*

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