Gakuen Rumor Master

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Vash Zwingli
50 minutes ago

Is it true? That *tooot* and *toot* did IT in the LOCKER ROOM?
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Roderich Edelstein: I don't know, but it seems that it is what's spreading right now.

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Kesesese! This is news!

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Indeed. This is going to be on the front page.

Feliciano Vargas: Hmm, but isn't these just rumors? What if someone who hates them just spread nasty rumors ve?

Ludwig Beilschmidt: You have a point... Let's do further investigation about this. NEWSPAPER CLUB, FORWARD!

Kiku Honda: To where Doitsu-san?

Ludwig Beilschmidt: TO THE LOCKER ROOM!

Feliciano Vargas: Sí!

Wang Yao
43 minutes ago

Just to clear things up... I AM NOT INTO CROSSDRESSING ARU! I definitely do not wear clothes for women and put make up on. Who is making up these stupid stories aru? And my clothes are traditional outfit!
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Ivan Braginski: Rumors are everywhere lately da. Don't worry china, I'll find the culprit. After that, become one with Mother Russia da? :)

Wang Yao: No thanks aru -_-

Ludwig Beilschmidt: When did these start?

Wang Yao: Just this morning aru. Around 9, when I checked my phone, I saw Hongkong's message that these rumors about me are spreading.

Kiku Honda: Doitsu-san. This is right after the rumor about the scandal in the locker room.

Ludwig Beilschmidt: This is getting fishy. Let's investigate more.

Wang Yao: Aiyaaah, I hope you find the culprit aru.

Feliciano Vargas: The newspaper club will do our best!
Arthur Kirkland
36 minutes ago

Ehem, just give me a moment.

First of all, what is with all these rumors spreading about me?!

I would like to clear things up.
Second, pardon me, but I do not name my bloody eyebrows! third, I don't plan on having a party with swimming pool of tea. Fourth, I do not have crooked teeth and bad breathe! I have a perfect set of teeth and my breathe smells perfectly fine. Fifth and the last... WHO IS SPREADING THESE BLOODY GIBBERISH?!
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Alfred F. Jones: Looks like there's also another dude who listens  to the stereotype song! XD

Arthur Kirkland: shut up wanker -_-

Francis Bonnefoy: Ohonhonhon~ We can actually do it if you want Anglaterre~♥

Arthur Kirkland: No thanks frog!

Ludwig Beilschmidt: The rumors seem to be centered around you. Suspicious.

Arthur Kirkland: Who the bloody hell would spread rumors about me?

Feliciano Vargas: Someone who is mad at you probably?

Kiku Honda: Come to think of it, there are some who doesn't like you.

Francis Bonnefoy: Right! He's eyebrows after all Ohonhonhon~

Matthew Williams: I hope the rumors would stop...

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Let's try going back to the locker room. NEWSPAPER CLUB! FORWARD!
Ludwig Beilschmidt
25 minutes ago

We found this letter in the locker room. It says:

"If YOU won't recognize me, I will make YOU"

This person must be keeping an eye on us. And all the 'you' are in capital letters. Hmm...

I have hunch on this. I just can't pin point that person out. I need more solid evidence.
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Gilbert Beilschmidt: This is starting to sound more like a horror case.

Feliciano Vargas: We are so close ve!

Kiku Honda: Doitsu-san, actually, I noticed something on the locker room earlier.

Ludwig Beilschmidt: What is it Japan?

Kiku Honda: While you and Italy-kun were examining the scene, I heard a noise near the equipment room. I decided to see what it was. On my way there, I stepped on a mop, so I decided to pick it up. As I was about to lift the mop, On the corner of my eye, I saw a small figure run towards the door. It seemed like it was a child. I thought I was just seeing things so I ignored it but, when we went out of the locker room, I saw a small sailor hat on the ground.

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Did jou just say sailor hat?!

Kiku Honda: yes

Feliciano Vargas: What does it look like ve?

Kiku Honda: White with a blue strip of ribbon.

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Someone who hates England, wants to be noticed, a kid and wears a sailor hat...

Arthur Kirkland: I KNEW IT!

Ludwig Beilschmidt: We finally found the culprit!


Peter Kirkland: Tch, Sealand was found out yo....

Arthur Kirkland: I'm gonna tell this to Tino and Berwald young man! Plus you'll receive a word from me later!

Peter Kirkland: Cause you won't notice Sealand, faggot England!

Wang Yao: Aiyaah, Sealand why did you spread rumors about me that I crossdress aru?

Peter Kirkland: wait, it is true that Sealand spread the rumors about faggot england, but Sealand has nothing to do with that.

Wang Yao: Ehhh? Then who's been spreading it aru?!

Ivan Braginski: Him da.

Wang Yao: Who's him?!

Ivan Braginski: Yong Soo, da.

Im Yong Soo: Hahahaha! It was me!

Wang Yao: Yong Sooooooooo!

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Gut. Everything has been settled. I'm proud, newspaper club!

Kiku Honda: Indeed!

Feliciano Vargas: Let's go and have merienda ve!

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Hmm... Let's go.

Gilbert Beilschmidt: What a day! Kesesese!

Francis Bonnefoy: C'est la vie!


Yaaaaaah finally. I wasn't able to update cause I wasn't really feeling well.

But now, here it is! Long isn't it? Lol.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it! Happy Reading!

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