Attack on Hetalia

268 13 13

Alfred F. Jones
40 minutes ago

I have never been so frustrated and confused in my entire heroic life.

Earlier, I was checkin' out this cartoon/anime Keeks was telling me about. The story was cool...and there was so much gore, like seriously...children shouldn't watch it. There's this really small bad ass clean freak guy. Enemies are huge ass people called Titans. Oh yeah, the chick was hot. What was her name again? Arlene? Arly? Armpit? Can't remember. This girl with short black hair was also bad ass n kinda cute. The main was... Uh, yeah cool? He wanna kill Titans bla bla. Anyway... What really blew my mind was... How do Titans take a shit? They don't have a weenie or an ass hole. Like, how do they even do it?! Shit brix man...
My mind is confused.
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Kiku Honda: I am glad you liked it Alfred-san but...out of all things, you were bothered by that?

Alfred F. Jones: I mean come on dude! Where do they release it? In their mouths?!

Kiku Honda: Actually Alfred-san...yes

Alfred F. Jones: *spits soda* WHAT?!


Alfred F. Jones: It was this guy!! And what are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in the Television!

Levi Ackerman: Who are you calling small huh, you little piece of shit?

Kiku Honda: ...Levi heichou... °o° *fan boying intensifies*

Alfred F. Jones: Wh...what the heck is going on @_@ 

Arthur Kirkland: What the hell git?! The notifications are so damn noisy!

Alfred F. Jones: ...

Alfred F. Jones: Iggy...It's scary

Armim Arlert: Uhh, sorry for suddenly interrupting...Captain, Eren, let's go back and leave them alone.

Levi Ackerman: tch.

Alfred F. Jones: That's the chick! Armin! Hey babe, wanna, hang out? ;D

Armin Arlert: ...but I'm a guy... :|

Alfred F. Jones: ...

Alfred F. Jones: my boner is confused ;-;

Arthur Kirkland: Oh gosh, I'm scrolling back and I can't stop laughing! Holy cow! XD I knew you were stupid wanker, but to think you were this stupid XD Oh My! bless me! XD Francis come here XD

Francis Bonnefoy: This is...HILARIOUS XD OHONHONHONHON!!!

Levi Ackerman: What the fuck are you shits laughing at?

Arthur Kirkland: There, there little boy, don't be so tense. Here, I have a lollipop.

Kiku Honda: Igirisu-san...

Levi Ackerman: I'm on my 30's for fuck's sake! That's it. Something other than Titans will be sliced open right now.

Arthur Kirkland: pfft... Nice try little boy, I've lived when your great great great grandpa was still a small sperm. XD

Levi Ackerman: Bullshit

Mikasa Ackerman: Eren, let's go home.

Eren Jeager: Fine. But, i know titans are here somewhere

Francis Bonnefoy: Oui, and it's in my pants~♥

Armin Arlert: ...let's go home now. I guess Captain will just follow us soon after.

Kiku Honda: Eren! Mikasa-chan! Armin! Wait! I have a lot of questions! Noooooo! At least heichou is still here.

Alfred F. Jones: I'm so confused. I'll never be the same again :|

Levi Ackerman: Ugghh, this place is so dirty. Full of shits like this "Arthur" guy. I'm out of here.

Arthur Kirkland: Did I upset the little boy?


Levi Ackerman: So done.

Courage challenge three will be continued next chapter.

Just decided to do a crossover XD lol making this was a lot of fun! XD

Happy reading guys! Adieu!

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