Izayah Caron Smith !

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* 6 Months Later *

Ms. Smith I need you to push one more time.

" Okaaaaaay. " Tyjah says pushing one good time.

Tyjah wasn't used to the feeling of this being that Journey was born through an emergency C-Section.

After pushing Tyjahs son was born. She was exhausted. Only Sy'Mone was there to support her.

* Sy'Mone and Tyjah's Background *

Sy'Mone and Tyjah grew up together. They didn't know anything better than living on their own. There mom had left them to be own there own when Tyjah was 12 and Sy'Mone was 17. They where now 7 years older and doing a good job. They depended on each other and where more than sisters they were best friends. If they needed anyone to go to it was each other.

* At The Hospital *

Tyjah had just delivered her son.

" Here's your son Ms.Smith." a nurse says.

She put a little light skinned baby in her arms.

" My baby Izayah Caron Smith. "

After looking at him Tyjah had a flashback from when her nephew Taylor told her that Journey was with the angels.

"Sy'Mone take him." Tyjah says handing Izayah to her. " I can't look at him right now." Tyjah of course didnt hate her son or blame him for anything that happened months before he was born. She was simply just hurt. It wasnt Izayah's fault that Journeys fault that she was gone but Tyjah did balme herself. Tyjah burst into tears. She just wanted her daughter back.

* 1 Month Later*

" IZAYAH SHUT UPPPP ." Tyjah yells. It was 4 in the morning and Izayah was up crying. Sy'Mone got up and came in the room with Tyjah. " Yell at him again and imma punch you." Sy'Mone says with a evil smile on her face. " He is a cry baby damnnn... " Tyjah says with frustration. Sy'Mone picks him up and kisses his forehead and he stops crying. " He just hella spoiled." Tyjah rolls her eyes and goes down stairs to get him a bottle. She wasnt breast feeding simply because she was to cute to have him latched on to her all the time.

Tyjah was still tramatized because the lost of her daughter. She had nightmares and dreams that made her think of Journey all the time. During the day she never really thought about it. It had been almost a year that Journey was gone and christmas was in a week. She still put presents under the tree that she had for Journey just to make her feel better. At 7 , Sy'Mone had to go in a have Ta'Leigha she was more than 3 weeks over due and ready to pop.

When they went in to get ready for baby Ta'leigha Tyjah. While we were checking in Sy'Mone yelled out "SHIT, MY WATER JUST BROKE." All Tyjah could think was good timing Ta'leigha. When the doctors finally finished questioning them Sy'Mone went back into the room. They had alot of value towards room 321 at St.Mary's hospital. Tyjah started to get impatient and made Sy'Mone get up and walk around the hospital. Tyjah walked with Izayah in her arms sleep. She hugged him and rocked him and Sy'Mone tried to keep her mind off him. " Let me hold him." Sy'Mone says reaching her arms out. " Don't drop my baby bitch." Tyjah says with a sarcastic attitude. Tyjah hands Izayah to her and starts walking. Within five minutes a contraction brought her to her knees. " Gimme him!" Tyjah yells. She hands Izayah to her and they rush back to the room.

For some reason every since Journey died Sy'Mone always wants Izayah. She was always there when he cried and always loved and kissed on him. He was adorable but that still doesn't explain her smothering. She even wanted him laying next to her while she had Ta'leigha. Tyjah didnt like the thought but she had to give her sister what she wanted.

About thirty minutes later it was time for Ta'leigha to come. Tyjah was right there next to Sy'Mone every step of the way. Even though she didnt look she held Sy'Mones hand. Taylor was there too but he was back to his old ways, being quiet and isolated. T2 was there too but he fell asleep. He got impatient to waiting on his little sister.

With three pushes, Ta'leigha Tyjah Wells was out. She was so cute. She had a head full of hair and big pretty brown eyes. Everything that reminded Tyjah of Journey. When she came out her crying woke up Izayah and T2. In the end, they admired baby Ta'leigha and took what seemed like a million pictures.

* 3 Weeks Later *

 Zay , ( Izayah ) was almost already 2 months old. Ta'leigha was still new to the world and was only close to a month old. Tyjah became more distant of her thoughts about Journey. It was her fifth birthay today and she was dealing with it perfectly fine.

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