Chapta fünf

223 12 0

1. when Eleanor, Danielle, or Perrie are total bitches.

Yo mayne don't hate until you mate (what)

2. When the ex girlfriend try's to kill the main girl.

Didn't know Harry dated London's #1 most wanted killer.

3. When the girl can straighten/curl her hair WHILE its still wet.

4.When One Direction is somehow allowed to adopt a 17 year old girl.

5.When Harry falls for the girl he adopted.

6. When Melonie works at Starbucks but somehow still manages to have a million dollar house, designer clothes, and an Ipone 5.

Didn't know being a barista can get you that much.

7. When Melonie /accidentally/ spills her drink ALL over Liam.

"Oops, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, wanna go out?"

No. That doesn't happen.

8."I went to Starbucks and guess who was thur Thats right Hairy Styles He loked at my bewbs and I was all like :) and then he gave me a luv bite and whispered in my ear 'lets have sex' so we fuked in the bathroom lol"



Bananas make my stomach upset okay?


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