The 7th Chapter

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1. When Niall cares more about food than his own girlfriend.

2. When All Harry does is Smirk.

3. When the author calls eyes orbs.

"I stared into his green orbs."

"His chocolate like orbs stared deep into my soul."

Orbs. Orbs. oRBs. ORbs. ORBS.

4. Only in the world of Fan Fiction can an internationally famous boyband star go out in public with Melonie and not be seen by fans or paps.

5. When the fans they do meet are really nice to Melonie.

I'm sorry, but I don't think that's going to happen.

6. When the waiter/waitress flirts with either the boys or Melonie.

7. When Melonie falls in love with her kidnapper.

8. When you're reading a bromance Fanfiction and suddenly you see;

"Louis, I think I'm pregnant, and it's yours." Harry mumbles."

*Throws self off cliff.*


Extra long chappie for almost 10 votes woop woop.


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