Chapapapata 9

181 11 2

1. "Harreh! Where is Zen?" Lewis shouted across the room while eating a bag of carrots.

"I dunno Loueh! Leave me alone I'm cuddling with my cat!"

I smell a carrot hm.

2. When Harry sings to Melonie at a concert like really

3.when the book is amazing and has a perfect plot line and then Louis pulls out a carrot and you're just done.

4. When they write half the book describing her getting ready in the morning.

"I slowly fluttered my eyes open and looked around my pinkish colored room, it wasn't like pink pink but it was pink. Then I pulled my olive colored duvet off my body and stretched my perfectly shaved and tanned legs and stepped onto my white fluffy carpet.

I walked into my blue bathroom and turned on my shower, an-"

I'm just gonna stop you there ya?

5. "Louis the sass masts from doncasta"

"Zayn the Bradford bad boy."

"Harry the Cheshire kitty."

How about "Shut the fuck up boy"? (:

6. When the plot line is amazing but the author has the worst grammar on the planet and you just can't.

7. When the author cant figure out what to do anymore so she just puts Melonie in a coma or gives Niall cancer or has Louis kidnapped or some shit like that.


I broke a rib I've been coughing so bad.


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