Lover 17\\ Beach Arc 2

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After they left,Me and Gray-sama ate Dinner In silence since Mira Left off somewhere .

Ah,Juvia is still thinking of A Plan to bring back the Old Gray-sama,But I don't really mind the New Gray-sama though.

I smiled to my thoughts and started thinking again about New Gray-sama.

His hair wasn't shaggy,It was spiked Up,His eyes were still Onyx but looked even more colder.

"What?"He asked with no emotion At me. I smiled again.

"Hm,Nothing. Please,don't mind me."

He frowned,"Whatever."He continued eating.

I noticed he had A Gun on His Coats Pocket,(●__●)He..He is A Mafia too though.

But still....Having A Dangerous Handsome Mafia Scares me!!I shivered at that thought and shook my head.

I sighed and Placed the Plate on the Dishwasher and started cleaning.

"Ah,Gray-sama. Principal Makarove asked if You Were Interested On Coming back to FTA ,And well you know him he doesn't want to let Students Away that easily."

"I'm not,Interested."

"Oh,(╥_╥)"I said,and continued cleaning.

"I just want to See You everyday again,Since you transferred to AA."I said sadly.

"I'll never feel you Hitting me on the head,Or Saying insults to me,"I said while Crying Fakely.

He sighed ,"Listen,Juvy. I just don't like it there."

I sighed at his comment. "Okay,if that's your decision then I'll have to respect it,after all I Am Just A Slave. Besides .."I Smiled Half Happily and Sadly.

"Just 2 more and A Half Month till Our Contract is over!"He Looked at me with wide eyes.

"Aren't you happy~?!"

"Oh...."He muttered,He didn't reply.

Was that The response he can Spat out?!!Or Did he Ignored me???!!

Oh well, But still....If our Contract will be over....What will I do next?

Besides...I..I...I am Gonna confess s-sooner! >////////

I finished Cleaning and Looked to See Gray-sama was staring off space,I noticed he was done eating already.

More cleaning!

I took his plate and glass and started cleaning again.

"You know Gray-sama,"I started to speak Again.

"I've been reading about Devil Slaying Magic and all,But I haven't found A Clue on where The Old Gray-sama is,But Mira Told me something about The Old Gray-sama trap in Your Own Mind. He won't come back Unless You Come back In His Body right?"

But I didn't expect him to response because I continued...

"The way to get the old Gray-sama back is when You Return Back to where You Came from Right?"I sighed with A Smile.

"If he were Here,He Would've said some Insults like'Damn SmartAss'"I chuckled.

"If our Contract Is Over,I really Will Miss You, but!"I spat.

"I know You won't Miss Juvia because Juvia is Just A Slave,Ha Ha!"I nervously laughed.

"And after that We can just pretend we never met and all,And You will be attending Avatar Academy and I'll be Attending In Fairy Tail Academy ."

I finally finished talking,But then 2 Strong Arms was wrapped around My shoulders.

My face heated up,


"Don't say that...."He muttered.


"You're saying that were not gonna see each other ever again."

"W-Well..."I stuttered ,"I..I thought that's what You want though..."I said nervously.

He didnt reply and Kept his chin on top of My head.

"Woah,!This is too Much for Comfort,Pal!!"I exclaimed and pushed him off.

My lips quivered as I Blushed even more.

"You're the one who was saying Dramatic Sentences."He said.

I lowered my head,

"S-S-Sorry....I..I was just so happy with You With those months we spent together...It was...Fun.."I confessed.

He didn't reply and walked upstairs,but then he stopped half way.

He looked at me,

"You're not gonna sleep with me?"He asked.

O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O Eeehhhhh?! Not the first time but still!!

"E-E-Ehh?!!!"I immediately got A Nosebleed.


~Time Skip .

Juvia hummed as she Folded some of gray-sama's clothes,were going to the beach again!(^v^)Please no more Love Rivals!!

My hair was tied into A Ponytail While I was In My PJs while Gray-sama had nothing On but his dark Boxers. ( ̄ω ̄;)Help me.


I turned around to see Gray-sama was closing his eyes but his left Elbow Was Supporting him.

I suddenly flopped on the bed which made Him pop his eyes.

"Wha-?!!OI!"he scolded.

"You almost have me A Heart Attack,Woman!!"

I giggled nervously. "G-Gom'menasai ,Gray-sama."I said Doing A Peace Sign.

"Shut Up!You Creep!"


"Don't you dare flood My Room!"He said.

"Haiii....Its not Like I was going to anyway.( ̄^ ̄)"I Huffed.

I shifted on the end and pulled him close to me while snuggling My Face On His Chest.

With A Smile on my face~!

"Hmph. Goodnight You Idiot,"He blushed.

"Goodnight too, Master-sama~"I then fell into slumber.

------End of chapter!

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