Blinded By Love.....

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Star P.O.V

I've been walking amongst the mortals of this world for over thousand years, and it has been a long journey to come to one point in my life where my fate calling me. I knew what I had to do. This is my story......

My name is Star I'm may come across like your typical 21 year old girl, but I'm actually a lot older in fact am over a thousand years old. When I was born my parents were killed in a massacre that occurred in my village by coven of witches. They were looking for something in particular a unum praeditos, which roughly translated into English means the gifted one. I was saved by one witch called Alana, who lived in a village nearby. She brought back to her home and brought me up as if I was her own child. As I got older she began to teach me magic, which came naturally to me. Even at times I would amaze Alana with my talent, she spoke of how would make an excellent witch. As much as I loved practising, and making new incantations, everything changed for me on the day of my 21st birthday.

The day I turned 21 years old Alana had told me that I was the unum praeditos, in that moment I knew was the reason why my parents were killed. I was distort by this news and I didn't know what to make of it all, Alana tried to calm me down as she wanted to explain what this all meant for me. The true purpose of my existence is to destroy the greater evil that was going to rise, and it will bring the destruction to the world we live in. I didn't deal with the information too well, I was young woman who had just turned 21 years old, who didn't know much about life and taking care of myself. So how was I expected to beat something that was so evil? Alana tried to calm me down but I didn't want any of this, I didn't wanted to be a unum praeditos. I never chose this fate to be placed upon me. That night when I knew Alana was sound asleep I ran away, I didn't want the responsibility that laid on me, I knew that Alana would push me to face my fate. So I just kept running having no idea of where I was going, but the one thing I did know is that I didn't want to be any part of any of this.

Decades went by and I hadn't aged a day from my 21st birthday in theory I should have had the appearance of a woman in her late forty's. I didn't know if this had anything to do with the fact I was unum praeditos, but I found it rather odd that my appearance didn't age in the slightest. So to not let people notice that I didn't age, I moved, a lot, which lead me to the new world. I had been told it would be safer, where there wasn't savages like there was in the old world. Even when I arrived there I kept moving, I would never let anyone get close to me. I wouldn't allow it, I was too frighten that they would find out what truly I'm. It was a lonely life I led, but it was the safest one I could have.

For many centuries went by, and witches began to sense I was different, they would question me what I was, that they sense that I was something they hadn't come across before. There were too many situations that I had to escape from, before they could find out how valuable I could be to them. It wasn't only witches that I had to fear, but now walking amongst the mortals were a new breed called vampires. They took the lives of innocent by draining them of their blood to satisfy their thirst. I didn't know if this was the evil that Alana spoke of, but I wouldn't be able to ask her as she would have die many years ago. The world was changing and I had to adapt to it all, I did get frown upon as when I would move into a new town. As I was a young lady on her own, they would ask me where my parents were, or if my husband would be joining me shortly. I would inform them I was an orphan, unmarried, when they would hear that they would try and set me up with a suiter. I dreamt of falling in love, to be swooned and having the security of a man I loved holding me in my sleep, but I couldn't allow myself to have that. Not with the consequences of them asking questions about me.

In 1490 I had moved over to England, there seem to be more hope for survival as word of the unum praeditos was getting around in the supernatural world. During my journey on the ship sailing there I was frighten of what this place would bring, I imaged it to be a beautiful country as many spoke of it fondly. My experience as soon as I step foot off the ship wasn't a pleasant one, as I approached a baker stall to buy some bread, and he tried to accused me of stealing. I was lost for words as I stood there looking at this man who was prepared to call the police on me. That day I had an angel watching over me her name was Bethany, she swiftly put the trader in his place stating that I was her sister that he shouldn't make such accusations.

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