Love Ain't The Enemy.......

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Star P.O.V

I couldn't even look at Stefan right now, he didn't even think about how it would affect me with Nik coming here his priority was Elena. I'm just mad at him because I could had some warning about it, would that had been too much to ask for? Facing Niklaus was my biggest fear, maybe because I had seen him during his fits of rage, but I knew he couldn't hurt me. What I did fear is to look into his eyes and admitting what I did that I fake my death because I was frighten of what he was. When I heard his voice I felt a so overwhelmed, I really did think that I had no feeling towards him, but it looks like I will always consumed by Niklaus love. With haring his voice and him being in the next room from me everything came flooding back to me, every single emotion that I thought was buried for him all came to the surface. I tried going after him but it weren't any use, I didn't know what direction he went and I couldn't sense his presence anywhere. Stefan tried to justify his actions but I didn't want to hear about it. I told him to move on and he had he done he put Elena before me. and that how it going to be from now on.

I walked into the house and went up into my room, I got showered and change in to fresh underwear, I went into Damon room and grabbed one of his shirts and put it on. I notice he had a bottle of bourbon on the side I picked it up I really need a strong drink. I walked out of the room I could hear Stefan moving around in his room, I made my way downstairs and walked out on the porch. I pulled myself up and sat on the wall, I picked up the bottle of bourbon and took a swig from it. I began to think about my decision coming here that being here I've really messed everything up. All I had brought was drama, what did I really think I was going to achieve by coming here? I took another swig from the bottle as I did I had a strange sensation come over me. I knew what it meant I looked up and there in front of me stood was Niklaus. Oh god he looked even more handsome than I remember I felt my heart accelerate in sheer excitement in seeing him.

"Niklaus..." He stood there like he had seen a ghost, well he really was seeing a ghost the last time he saw me I was dead in our bedroom chambers.

"St-Star... h-h-how is it possible you're here?" He began to slowly approach me, I got down from the wall and I approached him with caution, Nik was unpredictable and seeing me like this I didn't know what his reaction was going to be.

"Nik..." He touched my face gently, as he looked deeply into my eyes, I felt myself shiver at his touch.

"It's really you—" He stepped back. "—You died, I buried you... I don't understand." He had tears rolling down his cheeks; I had never seen him like this before. Nik had never shown me his emotions like this not in all the time I had known him he had ever cried. It was time for me to allow him to know the truth behind what happened and what I am.

"I need to explain everything to you—" I approached him once again with caution, I knew Nik had a temper, and I was waiting for him to explode. "I'll tell you everything you need to know Niklaus just—" He grabbed hold of me and used his super speed taking me away from the house, after a awhile we stopped outside a mansion.

"I thought it would be best we spoke somewhere more private." His voice was filled with sorrow which upset me as I didn't like to see him in this way. We both walked into the mansion and he brought me into the parlour. "So would you care to explain why after 500 somewhat years have you risen from the ashes?" Nik seem a little to calm to see me after all of these years, maybe I was wrong to worrying. It was time to tell him the truth about everything I just hope he can forgive me for my actions.

Damon P.O.V

After what happened at the hospital I went straight home as I needed to speak to Star before she found out that Klaus was still alive. Also I needed to have a stern talking to with my dear friend about her and the five merry men. I don't know if what Jeremy told me was the truth, but how would he know about unum praeditos, and what he told me was very similar to what Star had told me. When I got home Stefan had told me what had happen that Elena had werewolf venom in her system that Klaus came here, and the fact now Star knew he was alive. I went into Star room and she wasn't there, I began to panic I don't know where her head is at the moment. Stefan told me how she wanted to confront Klaus, she had to be out of her mind. I went out searching for her but I couldn't find her anywhere, maybe she needed a little time alone it must of really frighten her knowing the man she ran from is back here. I tried to call Star but it kept on going to voicemail, I think she really needed time alone and I'll give that to her she knows I'll be there for her if she needs me.

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