Burnt Out Star.....

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Damon P.O.V

I had to walk away from Elena I was really pissed, the way she reacted with my concern over Star. I mean who the hell did she think she is? I know I care deeply for Elena, but sometimes I wanted to snap her neck for being stupid. When she reacted like this it drove me insane, I really didn't understand her problem with Star. Couldn't she see that I cared for her? Or did Elena see it as that Star a woman and of course because the she was the opposite sex, that I've probably pounced on her, or have feeing for her. Star is stunning without a doubt and I guess people would have thought I would do that, but no it wasn't like that with Star. Yes I love her, but I love Star like a sister nothing else. Then with her asking me to take the cure with her? She clearly had me mistaken for my brother. Once upon time there was a moment when I did want to be human more than anything in this world, but knowing the fact to cure myself of vampirisms means the death of my friend that something I would never want.

So put Elena and our raging argument to one side, and tried to look for Star, and to be totally honest I didn't have a clue where to start. I began to walk round in the wildness with hope of finding something to find her. I began to walk threw a clearing and something caught my eye I walked over to the tree I touched it, I moved my hand away and it was blood. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I totally blacked out. I came around and my head was killing me I looked around and I was daylight, I groaned in pain as my throat and wrist were burning. I looked down and my wrist were blinded together, then I saw some jack ass who was crouching over a campfire. I began to struggles against my bonds, groaning in pain, I don't know who the hell he is, but I'm going to kill him for doing this to me.

"Something botherin' you?" Oh great is he kidding me right now! What the hell did this dick want with me?

"Would you believe me if I said mosquitoes?" He clearly knew what I was, he used vervain ropes to hold me down which meant that he was fully clued up on vampires.

"Aye, I would. How does it feel when a relentless eating machine is draining the blood from your veins?" That was a clear dig, and his so going to get it when I finally free myself.

"Itchy." I tried to hid my anger, this highlander stopping me from finding Star who was about to do something incredibly stupid. She had been lied to all her life of her purpose of wake up this bad guy, and I need to tell her the truth once she knows it will change everything.

"Your friends from Mystic Falls think you're funny, Damon?" How the hell did he know my name and where the hell I came from?

"You obviously know who I am, and where I'm from. Have you been spying on me?" He looked over and me and began to smirk, I wanted to tear him apart right now.

"Aye, I have." He gets up. "You and Stefan, Elena, your witch, Bonnie. Do you need her to cast the spell written on your pal, Jeremy's hunter's mark—" He sits down again. "—the tattoo that looks exactly like this?" I looked at his tattoo and it was identical to Jeremy, so he was a member of the five. "You're pretty close to a very dear friend of mine, who I've been looking for Star." Of course he knew Star, didn't she like help these hunter dicks fulfil their destiny or something.

"You wanna know something, just ask." He didn't just vervain me for any reason, there had to be a meaning for him holding me hostage like this.

"I've been killing vampires my entire life. Still, this thing refused to reveal itself to me. That was, until three days ago, and it just magically completed for no apparent reason." So when Jer killed Kol and his mark revealed itself it did to all the other member of the five too!

"Come on, man. Do I look like I know anything about tattoos? Look at my skin. It's flawless." Like I was really going to help this jack ass out, I didn't care that he claimed to know Star. I know she would be overly impressed with him if she knew what he did to me.

"Ah! You're not taking me seriously." He walked over to me. "I don't blame ya. You don't know me" He holds up a pointy wooden stick that he's been holding over the fire. "So let me introduce myself" he stabs me in the neck with it, I groaned in pain. "My name is Galen Vaughn, and you'd better start talkin' and tell me where Star is." Well if he looking for Star and wanting answer from me his at a lost cause I don't have a clue. What worried me is now, if Star been taken, and she really important to this awakening of Silas who the hell else is on this island?

Star P.O.V

Right now I literally wanted to scream, it wasn't meant to plan out like this, but it looked like that dick Shane had this all planned out. All I remember is fall asleep because Damon was right I felt exhausted, then been woken up to some guy with tribal paint on his face calling me Ophelia. I wanted to question him, but then Shane the bastard turned up and it was all planned. He had Bonnie, Jeremy and I split us away from the group so that he could raise Silas. Damon had said he was shady from the start, and he was right all he cared about is raising him and bring back his wife a kid. Unfortunately I can't let that happen, somehow I need to think of a way to screw up his plan, but the closer we were getting to where Silas laid the weaker I was becoming. We had been hiking through the wilderness for hours, and we had finally come to an opening of a cave, it felt strange I would hear whispers around me, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. It was freaking me out a bit I asked the others if they could hear it, but they looked at me like I was crazy apart from the witch who had brought us to Shane.

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