The Worst Kind of Betrayal.....

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Klaus P.O.V

First thing in the morning when I walked into my sister home I didn't expect to find Stefan Salvatore sneaking out of the house. It appears that my sister and former friend had shared an intimate evening, which looked like it was going to work in my favour. Rebekah was not cooperating with me and I knew she would only listen to one person right now and they just sheared a bed with her. When I spoke with Stefan he did not seem interested what so ever about retrieving the dagger from Rebekah. He was more concerned with the fact that his brother had been compelled to kill Jeremy and Star. When this news came to light I felt rage how dare Kol compel Damon Salvatore to kill the only woman who I've ever truly loved. That made the purpose of needed that dagger more than ever now, as it was the life of my wife was endanger. Kol was looking for the unum praeditos for years from what Stefan had told me, I couldn't not let him lay a finger on her. My only concern is how much Damon had told Kol about Star.

I had left Rebekah home and made my way to the boarding house after hearing that Damon had attack Star I needed to make sure she was ok, I walked into the house and made my way up to her room. I opened the door quietly and she was still fast asleep I walked over and sat next to her and moved her hair from her face. Even after all of this time I couldn't believe how beautiful she was, she actually look like an angle when she slept. She began to stir and slowly opened her eyes she looked at me frowning.

"Nik...." She questioned me a little confused, I couldn't help but smile at her as my Star was safe.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok, I heard what my bastard brother did to Damon. Which resorted you becoming hurt." She sat up in the bed and began to rub the sleep from her eyes.

"I'm fine, but you didn't need to come here." She began to climb out of the bed and walked past me, I turned and admire her.

"Star you may think I'm a monster, but I will always care for you wellbeing." She turned around seemed a little remorseful as she approached me slowly.

"I never called you that, and thank you for checking up on me, but I can handle myself." I got up from the bed. The problem I had is the fact my brother will not stop until he kills the hunter, or worse Star and I cannot allow anything to happen to her.

"Well that the thing sweetheart, I know my brother and he will be looking for you—" Star cut me off.

"Niklaus I can handle myself." She turned away and headed into the bathroom. Star has always been stubborn and with Stefan getting the dagger of Rebekah, Kol should be dagger in a few hours. I walked the stairs I could hear the brother talking in the basemen, it looks like Stefan back and time for me to babysit Damon. I made my way down there and Stefan throws a vial of blood into the cell.

"Oh man, really? You practically bled me dry. At least spring for a bag or something. I'm thirsty." As I approached the cell Stefan sets a water bottle between the bars of the door. "Not exactly what I had in mind." Damon gets up, groaning, and walks over to grab the water bottle. He see me standing on the other side.

"Hello, mate." Damon looked a little surprised to see; maybe it was due to the fact he bit into my wife throat, as much I wanted to beat the living daylight out of him I knew Damon had no control over what he did. He cared for Star like a brother, so my urges were not towards him but to my own brother.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I couldn't help but smile at him; I don't think Damon going to be very pleased with the arrangement that Stefan and I have made.

"Babysitting as you. You did attempt to kill my wife." I watched as Damon face began to fill with guilt a part of me knew he felt terrible for what he did to Star.

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