I've Learned The Cost Of Love.....

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Damon P.O.V

My brother had well and truly lost it, he kept going on about some cure for vampirism that out of all people Klaus told him about. I had to check my brother sanity so I broke into his cupboard and read his dairy. In their black and white he was talking about a cure to save Elena, what concerned me is that Stefan mentions that Star had something to do about it, but he wasn't sure what it was. She was really keeping us in the dark about all of this, but now she can't as we all knows she involved in the five and she better start talking. Even though we hadn't seen each other for nearly 150 years I know if I can sit down with Star she will tell me everything she knows. So I had told Stefan I would go along with this fairy-tale ride, but I warned him I was fine with Elena either way, which he didn't seem happy about. I was doing this for him only because I know how much he loves Elena and for once I'll do the decent thing.

I waited up pretty much all night for Star but she didn't come back to the boarding house, I tried calling her but it went to voice mail. I know Stefan went after her when she left us and knowing him he probably upset her and now knowing her she probably ran off somewhere. Stefan needs to be more sensitive with her all he kept doing these days is bite at her. I finally fell asleep and I heard my phone ringing I picked up, it was Elena she was crying down the phone about something about stabbing Jeremy. I didn't quite understand what she was saying but I told I'll be right over, I got off the phone to her and I rang Stefan and let him know what was going on and that I was on my way there. I got to Elena house and Jeremy is lying dead on the couch while Elena is pacing in front of him, she really was going out of her mind.

"I can't believe this happened. What am I going to say to him?" I don't know why she panicking he had the Gilbert ring on which meant he will wake up.

"Thanks for not ditching the family ring after it drove Ric crazy?" Elena glares at me, if she didn't like my comment she shouldn't have called me. "You should have called Stefan." I notice as soon as I mention Stefan Elena looked angry.

"I don't want to talk to him. He's been lying to me and hiding things from me. He compelled Jeremy to forget God knows what" Well Stefan was trying to protect the knowledge of the cure from everyone only because Klaus had him by the balls.

"In all fairness, I mean, I think you killing him kinda trumps that. And you should have called Stefan." I insisted that her boyfriend he should be helping her through this not me, I should be looking for Star and find out what she knows about this five business.

"I don't trust him right now, Damon." Stefan walks in the house Elena looked at him.

"Hey." Well this is a little awkward.

"PS, I called Stefan." Stefan walks over to Elena. He had to know what happened if I didn't tell him it would only cause further problem between us and I'm trying to be the good brother.

"What happened? Why did you call me?" Well looks like Miss Gilbert a little pissed with him as he keeping this huge secret from him.

"I just - I need to go upstairs and shower. Clean all the blood off my hands." Elena walks out of the room then Jeremy comes back to life with a dramatic gasp.

"Welcome back. How are you feeling?" How do you think he would feel Stefan, getting stabbed in the neck by his own sister?

"What happened?" We didn't have time to tell him the story, there was far more important things that needed to be dealt with today.

"Long story, buy the e-book." Jeremy began to frown, I need to somehow get Elena and Stefan to make up so I can going and find Star because I really need answers now and she the only one who will be able to give them to me.

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