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Shadow's P.O.V
Slenderman told us a new person is coming,so I started traveling threw the shadows to find her.I came across a peculier girl,without a shadow.She had those big round blue eyes that looked like a puppys,had that long brown and blound hair that you had to brade,and she wore regular clothes.I teleported into the shdow of a building and watched her from afar.She walked into the woods.I left to go tell slendy I found her.
Mccayla's P.O.V
Someone is watching me,I just can't tell who.Everytime I looked theres noone there but I can still sense it.I walked into the woods.I pulled my black and purple hood over my head and used to velcro to conceal my body.I walk more into the woods,everything became foggy.I looked around and noting was in my path.I walked forward and suddenly sonething appeard there.I walked into it and hit my head hard on,boney legs?I turned around with the same feeling as before but nothing was there.The tall bony legs bent down to where he was neeling,then it showed a white hand and I looked up to a creature without a face.I turned behind me and saw a girl with dark hair,black eyes withought pupils of white,grey skin,black dress,and carrying a black sword.

I turned behind me and saw a girl with dark hair,black eyes withought pupils of white,grey skin,black dress,and carrying a black sword

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The creature picked me up with a tentacle?
"Mccayla you are the Singer of Death"The creature said.
"How do you even know my name?"I said back.
"Lets just say,I hear all and see all"The creature said.
"Oh by the way,im Slenderman and this is Shadow"He said pointing toward the girl.
"Lets go to the mansion"

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