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Mccayla's POV
I go over and sit on the couch.Shadow sits next to me and so does Jane.I turn on the T.V and it shows the news.
"A young girl named Mccayla dissaperd in the woods yesterday,mabye aducted or ran away if you have any imfornation call the police department"I turned off the T.V.Slendy came up to me.
"We have your room ready and a few suprises for you"He said.
"Where is it?"I asked.
"It is the color Yellow and has SOD on it"I walk up the stairs.
"Second floor!"He called after me.I ran up and saw it was the last one.Sound proof walls and door.How I like it.I walked in and it was all different colors,have a lrge window withought balconey,a walk in closet that was really big.I saw a box that said Suprise-From your new Family.I smiled.I opend it and saw shoes,dreeses,shirts,pants,supplies,weapons,notepads,pens,pencils,sketchpads,books,and shower stuff..Then inside a smaller box in the box there was a note.It said:Mccayla here is a tip if going in public,use your Camoflage form which will not reveal you as Mccayla,never use your CreepyPasta form.Oh and here is money for buying stuff,mabye a thank you.
From-Everyone especially Sally.I smilled again.There was a lot of money under the note.I picked it all up and each thing was at least twenty bucks each bill.All of it was like two million dollars.I filled up my closet with everything and there was a bookshelf in there to.I filled it up with all my new writing and drawing stuff.I saw other stuff.There was a note that said:Hey thought you needed these undergarnments I bought them with the girls away fron the boys.
From-Shadow,Jane,and Salley.I put them in a drawer near the bookself.I grabbed all of my bathroom stuff and filled up my bathroom.It was nightime outside and Shadow called me down.I came down and everyone was there.
"Hey I love the suprise,and im super tired goodnight"I say after they said something inportant.They said I was a creepypasta now and changed forms yadda yadda yadda.S ok I went to my room,put on a nightgown,and fell asleep on ny bed.

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