Why cant peace last?!?

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Your pov:
We are starting to run low on food and we've been doing a lot of runs trying to make sure we have plenty of food for the group, a pregnant lady and trying to prepare for the arrival of a new addtion. Its alot of work.

"Hey (y/n)" i hear Shane say.

" we're low on water do you think that we can go on a run?"

"Yea, just let me get a few bags and we'll be on our way.can you put the weapons in the back?"

"Yea." Shane went to the armory. I got my knife and my bags and we headed out.
When we arrived at the store i forgot what we needed.

"Shane what did you say we needed to get again?"

He pinned me against a wall. "Together."

"Shane...get the fuck off of me." I said in a calm manner.

"Youre so hot when you command people."

I pushed him off of me.

"Well its my job, to comand and keep control."

"I bet youre a girl who likes to be on top. A woman in power huuge turn on."

"An arrogant,sneaky,douchey, slick, son of a bitch...huuuge turn off."

"Come sweet cheeks admit it youve been watching me and ive been watching you."

"The only reason ive been watching you is because youve been creeping me out by staring at me!!"

"Ooh you play hard to get?you must make a good one in bed." He said rubbing his hands together.

I slapped him." I came here because i thought we had to get something important for the group. You are just a waste of time. I have people to protect i must be there at all times to help protect those people.if i turn my back for one second anything can happen.i must not  leave unless its seriously important business.this will not happen again and wont be spoken of. But if you pull one of your little stunts again...i will see to it that rick knows that you and laury fooled around before he found the camp."

"How do you know that?!"

"You two make it obvious the disgusted look she gives you and the angry look you shoot back at her.all i needed was to see the looks you give each other and the backstory i put the rest together, did some calculations and truth be told.baby might not be yours."

He tried to charge towards me.

"Nah ah ah you try and harm me questions will be raised and my group will gladly put you down. Oh and try to get rid of me.ill have you know all four  of my people sleep on both sides of me and if they as much hear me squeal they will shoot first and ask questions later."

He stepped back.

"Now we are going to get some supplies get more water and we are going back to the group got it?"

We gathered many materials. I decided to grab fruit and vegetable seeds and we headed back to the prison.

I planted the seed while bending over someone slapped my ass. It was no one other shane. Who did it swiftly without a soul noticing him.
After planting i just didnt feel like addressing him  because it was too late. Though it was my turn to watch guard tonight. I go to my cell and get my gun. And head out.i walked up into the watch tower . While on watch i slowly began dosing off. I shake my head trying to wake myself up. I feel someone tap my shoulder, i turn around it was wade. Hes been sneaking up behind me an awful lot lately but hes wade. Wade is weird ive gotten used to him.
"Hey wade." I said trying to sound awake. Obviously failing.

"Hey (y/n) you seem really tired you should go to sleep ill take your shift for tonight."

"Nuh uh im good you took my shift last week and your shift was yesterday you shouldnt work yourself to hard for me."

"No you work too hard yourself trying to protect us. There is enough stress on you as it is go to sleep take a load off."

I hugged him."thank you soo much wade i owe you big time."

"No problem."

I drag to the prison and go to my cell i fall asleep the minute i hit the bunk.
<<<after a few minutes of peace.>>>

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" I hear a manly scream.

My eyes shoot open.

To be continued........

A/n:sorry for the slow updates. It takes me so long to update cause 1 im updating two books at once.2.im trying to make these extra-long for you guys to enjoy. And 3.GAHHH BABYSITTING!!! anyways hope you enjoy reading lus ya bai!

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